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The Sugar Lady

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Everything posted by The Sugar Lady

  1. Wow, gorgeous detail and work. I like the cow's whiskers too. My eyes keep going down to them, admiring the detail of the fur as well.
  2. That came out VERY NICE!! Love the font style of the letters, especially the 'O'. Makes me want to make that guitar strap my brother's been asking me for...his birthday is coming up next month....
  3. Gorgeous!
  4. I'm totally digging the speccled effect. It kind of picks up the textured look from the black. Happy accident if you ask me. LOVE the work!
  5. Wowwwwwwwwwwww! Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my mouth. Gorgeous work!
  6. Thanks for the links. I'm currently exploring the site right now. So many interesting things to look at. I'd only seen a small craft based bit of the metal clay before and had no idea just what things really could be done. I don't know if I'd ever be able to be as good as the ones I've seen on the site so far, but I would like to have the option of making things that I need that I just can't seem to find. I have a lot of sketches of designs I'd like to create. I end up modifying things that I can find, if it's possible. It'd be sure nice to be able actually MAKE the doodads I need instead of being forced to make do with what I can rig. of course, the expense part of working with silver and such....that does make it a wee bit more of a challenge, I guess. I do recall talking to a lady at Tandy not too long ago that used to design her own silver jewelry. She said that the cost of silver just got to where it wasn't worth it anymore, and I think now she concentrates on making custom handbags.
  7. You are my hero! and my husband is now pokin' at me for throwing my hands up in the air and hollering "Oh yesssssss!!" I've been hunting around for about 2 weeks for something that would work. I'd checked out Fire Mountain Gems and Rio Grande a few times, and was wondering about the wholesale part. Thanks for the info on that as well. I'm pretty sure my customer would be happy with a plated common metal one, but I will definitely check out the other options you listed so that she has different options. I've been actually playing with the thought of trying the PMC you mention. I come from a fine arts background and have kind of had my hands in a little bit of everything, so the thought of hand sculpting my own stuff intrigues me. But the OCD part of me knows I'd probably drive myself, and hubby insane getting everything "just right." I like the art student advice though, and will definitely check out some of the colleges around here. Surely one of them has a metal class....come to think of it, a local bead store has a guy who gives occasional silver working classes....maybe he'd know something as well. Thanks so much for your help!
  8. This is probably my first post. Love this board and I've learned so much reading everything here. I work in horsehair and leather, braiding the horsehair and working it into the leather. I've been experimenting with different things and basically self teaching myself. One of my customers who has ordered lots of horsehair related items has an request that is driving me to distraction trying to figure out where to find what I need. She wants a bolo made from horse hair. We've already worked out a way to keep minimal damage to the horsehair bolo tie part of it. But the part that's making me crazy is trying to find the piece for the tie holder itself. (unfortunately, I don't know my correct bolo tie terminology, sorry ya'll) She would like the metal slider part to have a photo of her husbands horse in it. She measured a bolo her husband has and said that the frame part was around 2" long by 1.5" wide and the inside was 1.5" long by 1" wide. Does anybody know where I can find a bezel or frame or just let me know what the exact terminology to look to find a piece that would work for this? I can find all the other doodads for the bolo, except for a nice frame to set the photo in. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  9. Beautiful work!
  10. Beautiful!
  11. I like, very very much.
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