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  • Gender
  • Location
    York, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Leather Crafts, Embroidery, 3D Printing, MS Warrior

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    masks, prop replicas
  • Interested in learning about
    Sheridan Style,Braiding,Holsters

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  1. Lost Mojo - Reward if found!

    1. Jax


      if you find yours please see if mines with it :)

    2. WScott


      try the "Adult Section" for ideas

  2. Beautiful leather work, very impressive, nice attention to detail, the custom box makes a great package complete.
  3. Just got a template from Black River Laser

    1. Jimnx


      That was a big thumbs up BTW

  4. You have a skill and dedication to perfection, and it shows in your work, very nice I only wish I could produce the same results. I look forward to seeing more of your work. All the best Jimnx
  5. Awesome, I love the combination of bold colours & textures, they just seem to work well together. ACE !!
  6. This makes an interesting read http://www.bowndesigns.com/blog/2006/09/07/inking
  7. Interesting read Bree, thanks for sharing your results. I will remember this the Bree Frog tape method.
  8. You make those two contrasting colours work really well together, I love how the pink cayman give it that virbant edge, the lining looks sweet. Very Cool !
  9. Very nicely done, I can't think of any other way to better protect your tools, I have mine loose knocking against each other or still in there plastic wrapping. The wood blocks okay but take up too much room. Thanks for sharing, I must attempt this sometime & tidy up my work bench! ) Jim
  10. Awesome!, I like the contrast & the way the scene projects out of the frame.
  11. Jimnx

    My other passion

    Wow, I really like it, its amazing that you have been able to capture the detail & realism with only a few colors.
  12. Awesome, I hope your friend appreciates the effort you put into making it, its inspiring to see an idea take shape & bear fruit, the end result looks fantastic!
  13. Amazing work of art, what an brilliant imagination you have. I loved your blog, some very wonderfully unique masterpieces.
  14. Hi Catherine, I found this site helpful for a list of singer operator manuals www.bootmaker.com Jimnx
  15. Jimnx

    Last work

    A Very beautiful work of art !
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