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Everything posted by claude

  1. Give me a call sometime 406-827-9662
  2. Where you at I'am in Trout Creek
  3. Where are you
  4. Hi could I get a copy of that also Thanks
  5. Where did you get your clips
  6. claude

    Pfaff 145

    How much
  7. Just a heads up for the for the ones that can make it
  8. how much I live in Walla Walla could pick up if price is right
  9. Do you have a pattern for your bag in the photo if so would you be willing to share it with me Thanks

  10. claudescott60@gmail.com
  11. I also make custom leather sheaths. If you would send me an email. I will send you some photos of my sheaths Thanks
  12. Send me an email claudescott60@gmail.com I think I can help You
  13. You might try horse hide
  14. Thanks Butch claudescott60@gmail.com
  15. Could you put up some more photos maybe the in side knife roll I like the idea of his
  16. I would like to know also #1
  17. Rayban, Maybe if you used a small paintbrush an painted Wyo-Sheen directly on the sewn seam (the thread), the dye wouldn't penetrate the Wyo-Sheen. You could then do any finish you needed to and the thread would stay white. I have not had to use Wyo-Sheen for that, but it seems to me it might just work. Good luck. Claude Scott Flying 'S' Leather
  18. Brian, Oh,Lord! If my wife sees this, she is going to want one. It is beautiful! Would you consider selling one of these? Claude Scott This is the wife-YES! I would love to have something like this. Sue Scott claudescott60@gmail.com
  19. I would like your small 3.5 round knife if you would email me at claudescott60@gmail.com
  20. send me an email I may be able to help you claudescott60 at gmail dot com
  21. Hi Suemi would you give him my name and email I will send him some photos of my work Thanks claudescott60@gmail.com
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