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  1. I really like your snowflake stamp.
  2. I don't see a problem with this at all. Only discussion is on making our own tools. Not selling them. As to weighing... If you look at many of the commercial mauls you'll notice heavy metal discs at the top, sometimes between the head and handle also. Fender washers work, to some extent. Just load on as much weight as you need. I make my own mauls from 3/8" thick disks of lexan stacked on a 1/2" threaded rod. I found the lexan as scrap...
  3. take a look at the 'front break shoulder holster' in the recent gallery images at the top of the main forum page.
  4. You might want to take a look at these folks for flat head rivets. http://www.rivetsonline.com/
  5. I've been using 8-32 machine screws for line 24 snaps for years. Easily found in black if you search actual fastener suppliers instead of building supply centers. The head design allows for the correct fit. search #8-32 x 1/2 Button Socket Head Hex Drive Cap Screw at Nutsandbolts.com for one example.
  6. I have machined Delrin (Acetal) off and on for many years. It machines beautifully but I was never able to thermoform it. Times march on and new materials are constantly coming out. You all might be able to use some of the info provided at http://www.plasticsm...ta.asp?aid=3787 The article addresses thermoformable Nylon and a new type of Delrin. Either might work well for small run holster clips. Machined Delrin would probably work well. But I would think the manufacturing costs might be high unless you got into full production runs. That gets expensive up front, but lowers the per item cost considerably. Hope info helps.
  7. http://riteonscrew.com/swivel.html ran across this from another thread, cannot remember which. This might be just what you need?
  8. I've made many nylon holsters with the thumb break strap actually 'fastened' to the holster itself with Velcro. This did give a great deal of versatility with only slight sacrifice in strength. The Velcro 'loop' on the holster pretty well blended in with the black Cordura. I do not think it would do the same on a leather holster. But, it could be used as a 'design element'.
  9. There is a way to fix that, at home. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiled_printing They explain it, and have links to the software.
  10. If you really want CAD, here is a source for a free version. http://graytechsoftware.com/ For a free, Illustrator like program that works very well. http://inkscape.org/ These are both 'vector' based programs. They do work with a tablet but can be used with a mouse as well.
  11. http://www.standardrivet.com/ Is one source, they do have a $25 minimum however.
  12. Another material is the 'foil tape', self adhesive, aluminum, usually 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide. Stays in place on it's own. I've seen it at car parts (autozone, etc), as well as Walmart/Target. Down here our passport cards are issued with a foil lined 'protector' so I do believe this is 'real'. I now use an aluminum wallet, plan on a leather one with the foil tape later.
  13. While unlikely... did you oil the leather well after the vinegaroon? The first time I tried it I didn't, and it got very dry and cracked as it aged.
  14. Some ideas at http://www.tools-plus.com/dewalt-tool-accessories-holsters.html http://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-D5120-Ballistic-Universal-Holster/dp/B00005AXIA lots more if you look online for dewalt tool holsters
  15. About your shin guards. Have you looked at the snake guards or 'ray' guards. Out of leather they might do the job.

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