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Everything posted by capsterdog

  1. Posted some pics of my half saddle bag for my tablet

  2. Have to make 15 little nail clipper cases. Here I go again

    1. J Allen

      J Allen

      I am interested in seeing this project. care to elaborate?

    2. capsterdog


      I have a prototype. I will take a pix later this week to show you. Nothing fancy. Just a jeffy snap, some wax thread.

  3. Ok here are some pictures of my half of saddle bag. (Thanks joefarmer) I forgot about that little program. I modified the pattern to my needs. I know it is not perfect but it took a some time. Many things made me stop and think before I proceeded. Like the gusset. I ran out of leather in 6 - 7 oz. so had a 9 oz bellie just long enough. But I skive it completely down to work for me. Also the stamping design took me a while to decide. Then all those other decisions on hardware. I used the new water staine dye in red. I myself really really like how it goes on. And it is very vibrant. The black was just black gel antique. <br /><br />The initials on the front are about 20 years old. I bought them at Tandy when I worked there many moons ago. I was surprised how well they were for just lying around in a box. I added a little bling to them with rihiestone rivets. <br /><br />My lenovo table with attaching keyboard fits well and I still can put a writing pad in it too. Even my netbook fits great in it.. I did line it with synthetic lining. I am thinking of making a matching mini notepad holder also

    1. Sylvia


      Happy Independence Day to you too.

  5. This is my first submission. I needed a tablet case so I used the saddle bag pattern. (Half of saddle bag) It took me some time but it worked out just fine for me. I can at least say it is one of a kind. And it also holds some extras. sORRY GUYS AND DOLLS, NO PICTURES YET, THEY ARE TOO BIG TO UPLOAD WILL HAVE TO ADJUST.

  7. Merry Christmas everyone. Have a great time with family and friends

  8. Hi Lonesome Dove, That would be great help. Take your time, and let me know when you have them ready and you can email them to me. I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. Do you think you could scan the pages for me? If they are in there??
  10. Can anyone help with my request. I need pictures from the 1980's Tandy Catalog of the 3d stamps they produced. Can anyone let me know if they have any scanned pages from the 80's catalog. PM here if you can help. Thank you in advance.
  11. I will post some pix later, myown design

  12. Finished ereader case for my best friend

  13. The modeling kit is sold!!! Thanks Doreen!!!!
  14. Hi everyone I have a Xacto modeling kit for sale if any one is interested comes with 2 handles and 6 modeling tips. It is in the original box. It looks to be in pretty nice shape. I think it is from the 1950's era. If you are interested please leave me a message here. I looking to get $20 for it which includes shipping. I can also send you pictures if you want.
  15. He couldn't believe 9/11 happen when he saw it on tv

  16. Today would have been my Dad's 90th birthdayt

  17. Hey Rhide, Looks pretty good for your first attempt. You should be proud!!
  18. Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you all know I uploaded a .pdf file on my blog here of Tandy 2-d and 3-d stamps if anyone is interested. I got this list a few months ago from Tandy. Hope it helps with your inventory lists or what ever you can use it for.
  19. You are such an artist!! I love looking at your projects. I am always amazed!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!!
  20. A few months ago I contacted Tandy to ask if they had any list of their 3-d stamps past and present. They were kind enough to send me a spreadsheet of the stamps. I hope this helps anyone who is interested in these stamps. 2-D & 3 D Stamps.pdf
  21. Bob, This just beautiful... You are so talented.
  22. Shoot us a picture, and I will check my supply too!!
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