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Everything posted by cleveland

  1. I would like to find a reliable source for belt blanks and buckles. I prefer American tanned leather and American manufactured buckles. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  2. Agreed! Of course finances will dictate if that is a realistic solution. :-) I have been considering cutting down a 4.25" blue gun to fill that void.
  3. My supplier doesn't, but I personally have one on order over at Duncans. Give Luke a call over there, he's a great guy to deal with.
  4. I'm not sure, but if you can not... I offer dummy's for the P7 M8.
  5. I have gotten no response from the seller. If its still for sale I would like to buy it.
  6. The blue mags are intended for trainers to use in their actual firearms. If John made them loaded, the action on your firearm would not operate. How do I know? I asked him the same question. :-)
  7. I am interested to hear what others are doing to modify a Ring's Blue mag for a mag holster. I have taped a pen cap to the mag to make it loaded, but I have to believe there is a better solution then this. Thanks! Bobby
  8. I'll take it! Can you please email me your paypal info?
  9. Thanks! They will ship tomorrow or Sat.
  10. Sounds good! Please email me your shipping info and phone number and I will get them ready for you. bobby AT clevelandsholsters.com Thanks! Bobby
  11. Ruger SR9 (Rings) $35 shipped Taurus PT132 (Duncan) $35 shipped $65 shipped if you take both! First "I'll take it" posted here gets it. Thanks! Bobby
  12. These exact scraps are gone, but I have a bunch more. Your welcome to them! Shoot me an email bobby@clevelandsholsters.com to set up a day to get them.
  13. OK, paypal will follow shortly. Feel free to throw in that Kimber too. :-)
  14. I'll take the H&K P2000EU - Ring's Do you have any mags for sale?
  15. I'm interested, please shoot me an email at bobby@clevelandsholsters.com.
  16. Not me :-( Josh, I am very interested in the Kimber. Please let me know if you'd be willing to part with it. Bobby
  17. OK, I'll take the lot.
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