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Everything posted by cleveland

  1. I would like to get a machine to make belts and holsters with. From everything I have read the Juki 441 or a 441 clone would be the biggest bang for my buck, but I am not ready to spend $2500. Money is the current obsticle, but it wont be an issue forever. I am looking at my options as the following three: 1-Get a used Tippmann Boss. It would work well for holsters but I can't imagine it working well for belts. 2-Wait till I can scrape together the $2500 and get the 441 clone. 3-Find an alternative solution for around $900 Part of me says, get the Boss and start making holsters now. Once I have pulled my investment back out of the machine, get a 441 and streamline production. The other part of me says, wait till you have the 441 and then hit the ground running. I am really on the fence and would like the recommendations. The idea of finding a $900 alternative solution is unlikely, but I figured I would throw it out there. Thanks!
  2. Yep, I sell a bunch of holsters for all those. I am surprised that the SR9/40c, XD subcompact didn't make the cut. Are these my volume of Blueguns sold or by holsters your making?
  3. Thank you very much! I am going to move forward with these lists and will post up the model that make the first cut. As new models become popular, please reach out to me. I can not guarantee they will be made, but the more requests for a particular model, the higher the certainty that it will be made. Bobby
  4. I'll take these. Sorry I did not reply to the PM, I can't figure out how to turn on the email notification for PM's.
  5. Message sent about remaining mags.
  6. These are all great suggestions! Keep them coming!!!
  7. Thanks! This is a great start and I really appreciate the input. A member sent me a fantastic suggestion! I would be interested in obtaining a list of holster YOU have made over the last 3-12 months. I know this is a lot to ask and I understand that only a few wil be willing to do this, but I think it would be EXTREMELY valuable info to have. Thanks again! Bobby
  8. I have the privilege of being a little more involved in the direction that aluminum training guns will be going. I am compiling 2 lists and would like the input of the holster making community. The first list will be of the obvious guns; Glock 27, 23, 17, XD 4" XDm 3.8" etc... that you'd like to see offered in an aluminum gun with the detail of a Rings product. The second list is a list of guns that are not being offered by Rings or Duncan. The one that comes to mind for me is the 3-1/2" 1911. I have turned down numerous holsters for this model because the dummy gun is not available, but I have not received enough requests to warrant buying one outright. You can see the current list by clicking onto the logo in my signature. Any and all input will contribute to the direction of the models available and the overall direction this company is taken. If you have direct questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks! Bobby
  9. Funds sent
  10. I'll take all the mags... or whatever hasn't been claimed
  11. I am not a computer guy and set up the site myself through go daddy. I am working on getting a real website guy to make all the necessary updates. Feel free to leave the cc info blank and then you can send it in a direct mail once I get an invoice out to you. I just shipped a few out to another member, hopefully he will post some reviews when he gets them Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, but no luck. I'm still looking if anyone has one for sale. Thanks!
  13. Thanks! PM in route.
  14. What's the price?
  15. Wow, that is a fantastic idea! I will be moving forward with that one.
  16. I started doing that for models that dummy guns are not available for.
  17. I mistakenly ordered 2 of these and instead of shipping it back to John I figured I will post it here. I'd be happy to trade for a dummy gun/mags that I don't have or sell it outright for $35 shipped. Trade, cash, whatever. I'm pretty open. Thanks!
  18. I really need one of these, please email me if you have one for sale. bobby@clevelandsholsters.com Thanks!
  19. WOW!!! It's everything it's claimed to be! Thanks for posting this review.
  20. I am searching for some clicker dies. I would like a super basic key chain die and I have been thinking about having a die made for my holster pattern. Yes, I know Google is my friend. However, both recommendations I have received on this forum have been great, so I would like to continue that trend. Thanks!!!
  21. I just ordered one after reading this review, thanks for posting! Bobby
  22. Grey Ghost Graphics has done an outstanding job! Thanks for the recommendations.
  23. If that Sig P229 is w/out rails, I will take that too. I know you already shipped my other order, but since I passed on this I have had a customer ask for one. Go figure! Also, can you update your list? I may want a few more. Thanks again!
  24. I just got off the phone with Jeff at Grey Ghost Graphics and he will be shipping out my mark on Monday.
  25. I am a rummager and tinkerer by nature, so I am sure this is not my last sewing machine purchase. I have wanted an old school machine for a while, but always have a better place to spend the $50-$100 then on a another sewing machine. We have a plastic Singer "Esteem" and it functions, but it has absolutely no character. This Singer 301 "speaks to me" and will be used to hem pants, repair, patch, etc... The only problem it presents is how I go about convincing my wife that the plastic machine her mother got us as a wedding gift is no longer going to be used. I see a lot of butt polishing and wooing in my future. What type of machine did you end up going with?
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