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Steve Lowe

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  1. Well I found an old pic, possible my 1st one ever... but cant figure out how to add a pic..... sorry
  2. I have made several of these and here is what I do... I will find one and post the pic in a bit. Mold the leather for the top iece let it dry glue the two pieces together using a 1/16" drill bit, pre-drill your holes and then stitch away.
  3. Hey Realm What is the post? I looked for Monthly Challenge and Monthly Challenge 2015 Found nothing Help a brother out.
  4. Okay guys... HELP!!! I have made quite a few pancake holsters and and a couple of western rigs. But recently I have been getting into lining the holsters for my western holsters to be worn on a regular belt. I am using a can of plastic cement I got from ACE Hardware and it is messy. I have used a spray-on cement in other projects, and today I thought about using it on my holsters. A spray here, a spray there, wait a few minutes and then piece them together.
  5. Nice work, Snubby. Tell me about that table. Is it a custom job, or one gigantic cutting board?
  6. I missed out on January, as I only just found the thread. Waiting for February's pattern.
  7. Hey Drac.... This is an old post, and maybe I am missing somethin', but uuum.... Where is the location to order mannequins? I dont see the store stated in your post....
  8. What are the blueguns?
  9. Fantastic video. Thanks for the tip. I will remember this for my next project where I do some extensive tooling. it really makes it stand out.
  10. Good eye Twin Oaks. I learned quite a bit from this project. My beveling was done with a modeling spoon and not a stamp. I have one ready to order from Tandy... When I soaked the holster to mold the gun, I saw that my beveling all came back up to the level of the reset of the leather and I tried to fix it while the gun was in the holster. Still too wet, I waited and waited and so on... for a few hours. hoping I could fix it. It was too late to start over but i will take the lessons I learned and apply them to the next project. ORDER THE CORRECT TOOLS FOR THE JOB..... was my lesson... what do you mean by "antiqued"? The fit was too loose for my gun, but his is a bit larger so I am hoping it will fit his Colt sung. The belt slide in between the two pieces of leather, out the back, in the loop on the other side and then out from in between the two pieces of leather. It makes for a cleaner look than having the loop slots cut through both pieces of leather.
  11. I am working on now that is turning out nicely. Post a pic of the gun so I can compare it to my .44 lever action and I will post my pattern. it should print onto a 8.5x11 cause I will SCAN it into a PDF.
  12. Okay guys. What do you think? He is a long-distant client so i couldn't get a hold of his gun nor did I find a Blue Gun for it so I used my 32 long as the model. I made the holster juuuuuuuust a bit larger to accomodate his .38 cylinder. I am still waiting to hear from him on the fit of his gun. All comments are welcome.
  13. Okay I am new here and I JUST FOUND THIS....... but since I a love a good challenge and am about to go in for Surgery on Monday I will need something to keep busy the next week. What is the deadline and how can I find the July Challenge if there is one? Do y'all do these challenges each month? How can I subscribe to the challenges? I have an idea and even if I miss the deadline, I still need the practice either way..... Woooo whoooooo cant wait!!!! Where is my swivel knife and modeling spoon?
  14. Thank you to ghstrydr164 for starting this thread and to everyone who has added their input. I went to the renaissance festival a while ago and bought a leather bound book because the tooling was great and the girl that ran the booth said she made all of her own stamps and had them on site to proove it. I have been obsessed with making my own stamps and could not find anything in YouTube or elsewhere. Maybe I hit the end of the internet because this was the last place I looked. HA HA wink wink. nudge nudge... Now I am off to get a vise. I already have the files and dremmel tools needed. I collect tools when I need them and have never needed.... "NEEDED" a vise until now. I have all these designs in my head and now I just need to get them on some steel. Quick general question: I see where I can click to "Watch this topic, but is there anywhere I can mark the page to come back to it later? I big into backpacking and I am part of the hammock fourms and they keep a list of threads that you mark, or are "watching" as it were. I dont see where I can go to a list. If I want to add more stuff here, I feel like I have to wait until someone posts and I am e-mailed that a new post has been posted. Am I making sense? Where is my list of threads that I am watching? Wooooooo whoooooooo time for some stamp making. Thanks again to all.
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