Good eye Twin Oaks. I learned quite a bit from this project.
My beveling was done with a modeling spoon and not a stamp. I have one ready to order from Tandy...
When I soaked the holster to mold the gun, I saw that my beveling all came back up to the level of the reset of the leather and I tried to fix it while the gun was in the holster. Still too wet, I waited and waited and so on... for a few hours. hoping I could fix it.
It was too late to start over but i will take the lessons I learned and apply them to the next project.
what do you mean by "antiqued"?
The fit was too loose for my gun, but his is a bit larger so I am hoping it will fit his Colt sung.
The belt slide in between the two pieces of leather, out the back, in the loop on the other side and then out from in between the two pieces of leather. It makes for a cleaner look than having the loop slots cut through both pieces of leather.