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Everything posted by DavidMillsSaddlery

  1. I’m going to kick their butt! how do you remove this type of pin?
  2. @CowboyBob or is this what you’re referring to? whats this pin doing?
  3. is this what you’re referring to CowboyBob?
  4. Can you get us the correct number? There’s one too many digits!
  5. I am stumped! How does one move this shuttle holder?
  6. That’s the one I can’t see very well on my little phone! Thank you!
  7. Anyone have a photo of how this is supposed to be threaded? The Consew manual I found online is too blurry... I’ve found some manuals, but haven’t received them yet! My needles will be here today, but the table is several days out!
  8. I’m in that same mood... collecting! My collection isn’t as impressive as yours though at this time! Ive got the Union Lockstitch! Landis 3 and they both throw the best stitching of everything! I’m looking for a Campbell! ive got several Singers as well! Everything from a 97-10 down to a 31-15! Cylinder beds and post beds included! a Ferdco 6/6 that makes a decent stitch, but only one style of needle! LR I think it is... this Ferdinand 900B hasn’t even made it out of my trunk of the car yet! I’m waiting on volunteers to help! New table and parts coming next week!
  9. Sorry to hear about your luck? Everyone I’ve seen lives there’s? im hoping I can figure it out!
  10. Still have different attachments available that would fit the 900B I bought? I guess I’ll call tomorrow! David Mills
  11. I stumbled upon a 900b today myself! Are any of those plates you found duplicates that you could part with? Would you share photos? Thanks!
  12. I got lucky and this guy called me this morning! So I drove up to Ft. Worth and picked this up! Paid $800.00! It needs the tension post and assembly on the side, it took a tumble somewhere, and broke... I’ll need to source a table stout enough to hold this heavy sob up! Has anyone ever seen or used one of these! I like the little table under where the arm would be! https://www.ebay.com/itm/324099240525 ill be reading up on these things tonight! mill be looking for different attachment to! And hope there’s some available! Flat table conversion, edge guide, hoping there’s a stirrup and holster plate as well! I isn’t the Super Bull Pro 2000 I was hoping to find, but the price was right! Hoffman must be shut down for the Corona Crap! Hell to get a hold of!
  13. Still available? Interest and from San Antonio! Photos?
  14. How is this cataloging coming? I’ve got a lovely 97-10 I try to use as often as I can! mid be interested in the plate that has the hole it it that the needle goes through, and various presser feet!
  15. I wonder if one could modify one from the 441 group?
  16. Do they make a stirrup plate and holster plate for these Seiko’s?
  17. I can’t remember what the name is, so it makes it hard to search! Anyone of my saddle or sewing friends have one of these laying around? Can’t recall the name... see video! Thanks! Hoping for used in good condition value priced!
  18. Nice collection! When this vocal crap is over I’ll be looking for a bull! i have a Ferdco 6/6, Singer 97-10, Singer 153w103, Union Lockstitch, Landis 3, 51 post bed double needle and a Singer 31-15
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