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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. Thanks Joe, I've really worked hard at it. I think because it doesn't seem like work. I want to quit 'working' all the time on the stuff I'm going to be selling locally, I mean just those three items, and work on other things and designs. But I always seem to get right back to those I think because we chose them to start with because I could do them quick and well. Not quick enough on this rythym bead set I've been working on all day though. But I keep plugging away :-) and I'll work in other things too so I CAN improve. Cheryl
  2. WOW, you NAILED the shading and expression on that. Great Job. Cheryl
  3. Eas....let's see, you said you were the NEW GUY to leather? Let's see....you carve better than I do, you tool better than I do, you sew better than I do, you bevel (I consider that a separate tool all on it's own) better than I do, you can do multiple designs, I do one, oh and you MOLD better than I do, oh lets don't forget cut better than I do. I think I will take up knitting, LOL. Beautiful and cool things.
  4. I don't think I'm going to upholster it. I think I'll just put the batting down, and the blanket folded on it until I actually can get it appraised. I would never sell Charlie's chair but I don't want to ruin it either although they consider upholstery a lesser evil than say, refinishing the wood. That's gonna be my stitching pony chair when I get one, LOL
  5. Seriously Art, the chair is still stuffed with horsehair, and is all hand made. I'm thinking over what Sylvia said While I work on something else. Because that could be the original material. Very commonly used in the 1800s and earlier. I think it was made in the USA because by the 1800s in England they had factories making furniture. But on this, I noticed two of the carve marks on the leaves aren't identical and two of the eyes on the one arm lion aren't either. I wish I had an antique Navajo blanket. I'm kinda into old crap, LOL
  6. Substantial? Uh, took me an hour to get it up two flights of steps on my own, and I wouldn't have been able if I hadn't had all that adrenalin still flowing from finding out about Charlie. ROFL, I forgot to tell you....I changed my mind again, I'm reversing the antique settee idea and chair.
  7. Well when you hunt me down for changing my mind again, you can see how it really does pop on the chair.
  8. You guys are gonna kill me, LOL. I reversed my ideas from the settee (which is down to bare wood so I can put any color on it) to using my Navajo blanket on the chair. Thanks for writing, I don't think we've run into each other before. Cheryl
  9. They are beautiful, and OMG I'm glad I finally found there was a forum for this. OK< now the questions will start pouring, LOL
  10. I changed this to a poll, someone please help because I'm starting in a little while. Of course lots of prep work to do before you start adding the new.
  11. OK, this is more fun than just one color. I added a piece of material off the part I'm replacing, found the least faded I could. Thanks, Cheryl Sorry, lost my poll last time, LOL
  12. Joe, I think you have me mixed up with someone else. I do think WAY out of the box, I'll admit that, but I could never have done the belt you just did. I'm still working on my basket weave and it's not nearly as clean as yours. But thank you, Cheryl
  13. I haven't looked and maybe there's an upholstery forum on here. I knew this wasn't exactly the right place but now after some sleep I really am ready for some suggestions, I'll put black on too and see if you think it looks fake, I didn't actually try it, just thought it would.
  14. I hear all that, especially the swearing part, LOL. I saw a video on the turk head at youtube and it look simple enough...but after whatever I ended up with on this curb leather, I first realized I was trying to do a round knot on a square holder and the turks head is NOT as easy as it looks anyway, LOL. I had first looked at that video because i want to do bosels with this rawhide I bought so I did learn the 4 strand round easy enough but doing a turks head on the end, PLUS trying to work with these small strands of wirey rawhide whipping around, that I'm wetting a little at a time to braid, then letting dry to keep the tension and diameter right, while my dog is trying to eat it, well I think I saw some truckers blush when they heard me, LOL. I did macreme' 'back in the day' and could do it watching TV, etc. But I'm not a 'visual' learner. Plus I have other things I really need to be doing but the round braiding I picked up and could probably do watching tv. if i had some place set up for it but I don't have room to do my other things either. But that gave me an idea, instead of a turks head, i could put a dyed round braid on the curb strap and then i could forget one thing, LOL. If I can keep my dog from eating it while i do it, LOL.
  15. I did woman, LOL. dog just got me up
  16. Well I needed one for some upholstery I want to do, and ended up 3 regular ones, so this one is headed for the shadow box display. Thanks Mike. I need to tell Syl now. Cheryl It's a worn out tack and staple remover I need sleep kinda bad.
  17. Some of you already know a friend of mine was diagnosed with a brain tumor yesterday. Some where around 3 AM I went to the basement to get a behemoth of a chair he gave me. I wanted the chair, it's a really cool antique, but I wanted to get another carpet out of here, etc. before I upholstered the seat. I honestly don't know how I got that sucker up two flights of steps but it's here. All I have to upholster it with is the pebbly gray crap, and I wanted to dye it black since we've all had so much fun with that color. But I thought it would make it look like that fake stuff from the 70-80s, even though it would really have made the black in the toile fabric pop. Really I wanted to do it in red but i also have an antique settee down there I'm going to upholster in my red and black Navajo saddle blanket. I had the long wall in there painted red, and the rest of the room is yellow. It seemed like it was going to be getting pretty 'red' in there. So I took this dk. cocoa brown I was dumb enough to pay good money for, and put it on first, and then a coat of yellow but it's just not doing it for me. Any suggestions? I want it done when he comes home from the hospital.
  18. Welcome Jesse from a former Central Fla dweller. Now you are never to listen to me ever, OK? Because I sprint all over until I get really, really tired, then I crawl. Right now within my sight are 5 projects in some jumbled state of completion. So ask me anytime how not to do it!!! Cheryl
  19. I've been waiting to see something of yours. That is really nice. Cheryl
  20. I just used it making the turk head, and I don't think that's what I made but the fid works like a dream!!!!
  21. No that's not it. You can't see the separations from the other side, and the side they are on that blade end bevels upward. I tried AGAIN by holding it but my hand slipped. Anyway this is the other side and if you look really closely at the top you can see the squared off little indentions.
  22. OK< this was the best pic I could get but does anyone know what this green knife that has separations on one side is? I'm so glad you told me that, it just came back out of the box. I have been trying to get around to doing a rawhide turk head on a curb strap all night. Thanks so much.
  23. Thanks for you're help. Yeah a while back, well way back I got a 'speedy stitcher' and I don't use it either now. I don't know what a lacing fid is, but from the looks I guess makes bigger holes than a regular awl for lace, LOL. I wanted the tack puller, and the edger, and the awls and by the time I got these I had awls and 3 tack pullers that were given to me, LOL. So I guess I'll clean up the edger and use it and maybe just the others in a shadow box I have and display them. Well except the fid, don't think I have one of those. Cheryl
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