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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Thanks for the info! I started with one of the Eco-flo water based dyes and the leather balm with atom wax. Really just wanted to get the hang of what I am doing. The dye dried pretty uniform and the leather balm looks nice too. I will definitley upgrade when I start doing real projects.

    JK, Paul Barnett, Mr. Leather himself, started a tutorial on here about carving, stamping, and painting leather. Unfortunately he became ill and couldn't finish it. Whatever paints he was using became unavailable so he uses eco flow from Tandy. The only problem I have with Tandy is all their tools, trim, buckles, whatever aren't made in this country. So I just bought a vintage basket weave tool last night, and paid about a 1/3 more. I've used and abused their paints, and they work fine.

    I have an eco flo dye too, emerald. I just looked, didn't even realized I had more than one kind of dye. I love it because I can mix my paints with it to get different shades. Since I didn't realize I had different types, now I know why when I tried to mix white and later red to my Fiebings brown dye, I ended up with a big gunk of nothing, LOL. So I have both.

  2. Then Welcome to the club ;)

    to be honest...i do not know....

    except i have "enslaved" my hubby

    he gives his hands when an extra pair is needed ;)

    and it's rather common to work btw 8 pm and 12 pm while baby is sleeping AND when NO HAMMERING needed


    sure! no problem! ;)

    now you ve got to explain that saying!

    i do not know this one! ;)

    I lost my reply AND connection, LOL. I may have misused the word, to some it might only apply to England but I use it for Europe, Australia, etc. It means coming or going across the ocean. So tell your friends you are going across the pond and strut you stuff at that conference!!!! LOL

  3. Cheryl:

    Never underestimate the power of Youtube to learn stuff. There are loads of leather carving, etc videos on there. I've learned to do a lot of things just because youtube had a video. (Passive solar heart, (done) Passive Solar Food Dehydrator (done), Viking Knitting, (done) Darning socks (not done, but I know how now), French Seams (done) Jewelry Making (done) Pythagorean Theorem, Calculus, Physics (OMG, hope I never have to do that crap again, Done!) I even think there is a video on there on how to "kiss properly" LOL


    Anyway... here is one of my favorite Leather craft time lapsed videos.

    I forgot about this yesterday because I was getting emails from different threads, and right now I'm trying to find a post someone made to me about a journal and came upon this again....very weird and cool video. Thanks Sylvia.

  4. I would not go THAT far....

    I am newbie in that business and i have been taught and discovered it while working that it's a job where you learn everyday 'til you die

    I said "i try" because i have followed a training for the building of saddles with Dale Moore ( http://www.montanahorseman.com ) so i ve got the basics but i seek for everything i can to improve myself in books and forums such as this one (a gold mine)

    but for small items , i do it from scratch...i observe a lot and try to do it

    when something does not suit me , i modify it

    always thinking :

    drawbacks to come?


    what can be improved?

    My buildings are FAR from being perfects but that the goal i have : try to reach as close as possible perfection..one day ;)

    i am working very slowly because i have a baby home ; working in my living room (huh, if this can still be called a living room) waiting for my workshop to be finished and to top it off

    I decided that i was going to go tickle US guys on their ground and bringing a saddle to the 2012 Sheridan Leather Show ( i know i will be buried down but it's a good challenge and i guess i will meet really interesting and nice people )

    so...keep the faith ;) and work hard !

    Ahhh, perfection, that nebulous something only we can see in our mind's eye. Auerlie, I don't think you will get buried anywhere you go. I had to laugh about your living room. Mine's in the bedroom and I am NOT waiting for my shop to be built because I don't think the landlord will do that. I live in a one bedroom apartment, with one closet and every time I move, one of my 'piles' fall over, LOL. How you do that work with a baby though is beyond me. I have a service dog, and she drives me nuts because I'm not going anywhere to let her work OR play. She is lying on the bed curled around me where I'm sitting using my laptop on a small end table. When I spread things out on the bed to work, she stands and looks at me and whines because I took up the bed space. so I rearrange things to give her a path onto it LOL. I saved your link, and I'm going to add you as a friend if you don't mind, because I want to see how things go for you when you come across the 'pond.' Honestly I do. Cheryl

  5. I would not go THAT far....

    I am newbie in that business and i have been taught and discovered it while working that it's a job where you learn everyday 'til you die

    I said "i try" because i have followed a training for the building of saddles with Dale Moore ( http://www.montanahorseman.com ) so i ve got the basics but i seek for everything i can to improve myself in books and forums such as this one (a gold mine)

    but for small items , i do it from scratch...i observe a lot and try to do it

    when something does not suit me , i modify it

    always thinking :

    drawbacks to come?


    what can be improved?

    My buildings are FAR from being perfects but that the goal i have : try to reach as close as possible perfection..one day ;)

    i am working very slowly because i have a baby home ; working in my living room (huh, if this can still be called a living room) waiting for my workshop to be finished and to top it off

    I decided that i was going to go tickle US guys on their ground and bringing a saddle to the 2012 Sheridan Leather Show ( i know i will be buried down but it's a good challenge and i guess i will meet really interesting and nice people )

    so...keep the faith ;) and work hard !

  6. Hi Cheryl!

    Here on my my FB page

    you will be able to see some of the things i try to build ;)

    small things:



    saddles :



    You_Rock_Emoticon.gif If that's what you're TRYING to do, I'm quitting leatherwork when you get good,!!! Honestly, your items are beautiful. TWO saddles on top of everything else? I'm trying to decorate ONE mare and foal for a pendant and can't even get that right, LOL (Cheryl wonders how much she could sell everything she has on eBay and try a new line of workcoffeecomp.gif )

  7. Forget about the Ballet! ;)

    All headstals are not lined ...

    depending on the thickness and specificity of leather and quality of leather used

    I just started to build up headstals

    and thinking about leatherwork...everything is about "good sense"

    when i use thick and not stretchy leather, i do not line them

    if i use thiner or a bit stretchy leather, i line them....with thin leather

    that's the way i figured it out.....

    definitely the lone one


    Did I put a ballet on this? LOL. I can't keep my threads straight. do you burnish the back of your heavier leather? I'd love to see some of your work. My first one is going to be from a belt blank I have, 7-9oz but who knows in the future. Thanks for writing Aurelie. Cheryl

  8. I think the thought was good but sometimes things just don't look as good in real life as we imagine them. LOL I know you have some limitations so I would try a heavier mallet. Sometimes I use a Dead Blow hammer. I weights about 12-16 oz (or more) and It really does some persuading.

    aint that the truth, ROFL. I've noticed that about every time I touch leather! I don't have a heavier mallet, I have a cheap wood one. Some dayhead_hurts_kr.gif

  9. Here is a link to all of the free vids on the TLF site:

    Free Tandy vids

    You can also pay a subscription, and see over 100 diff vids at Tandy's "Leathercraft Library"

    Leathercraft Library

    I admit, I subscribed for 1 month, I feel it was very worth it. There's a lot of video there to watch in 1 month...



    Hi Kevin..yeah I know about their leathercraft library. I got some free downloads from there, actually all the free one I could get, I'm sure it is worth it. Except me and money don't seem to be on speaking terms anymore, LOL. I remember why now, it was the day I touched one of my bridles, or some kind of leather and said, 'I could do that.' You smell leather, hay, horse, listen to the creak of the saddle, and you don't have a chance, the leather bug WILL eventually bite you, and if having a horse doesn't cause bankruptcy, the leather will :-)

    I edited this because I remembered something......

  10. Hi CC

    I like the idea, but I think I agree with TreeReaper about the bling eyes. Reminds me of "Spawn of Diablo" or something.

    Is it possible for you to impress the horses deeper? I would like to see more detail in the horses and less background.

    Pretty colors and some bling would make these very cool (might even end up as a hat band!


    First think I'm gonna do Syl is practice with that 3D stamp some more. I bought a spring loaded handle for my the stamp, supposed to make a deeper impression, but I'm not seeing it. It doesn't seem to fit right, wiggles around. So going back to my regular handle, assuming I can find it :-) And don'tcha just hate that spawn of diablo look???

  11. What do you use as a "dye" K? Because I used fiebings over Super Sheen and got a very interesting shade of turd muckaldy dunn (gross taupe)

    I think the Hi-lights work ok with Super Sheen but not Fieblings dyes.

    Fiebings of course.....Why would I have two things that might work together :-)

  12. Get a very small paint brush and just block out the horses,let that dry , do it again and let it dry then dye the entire concho, leave the dye on for thirty seconds then wipe the entire concho with a damp sponge very lightly.

    You'll see the horses better.

    Instead of the eyes maybe you could just put one on the concho as a birth stone if you have different colors.

    Check this link ...



    I have it on my list for Feb. Kevin. I also have a new bottle of resolene and may experiment with that too. I really don't have anything to lose except another concho.........

    Thanks for the videos, don't know where you get then at Tandy but they are really good. Thanks, Cheryl

    Oh yes I had different colors, so could do that.

  13. Hey Cheryl;

    I'm not a bling guy so the stones don't do anything for me, I'd probably put them somewhere else, on the lace maybe.

    If you use some block out on the stamp impression it won't get as dark and you'll be able to see it better plus you'll get some contrast.

    The impressions around the edge look good.

    Thanks Kevin. I'm making these for cowgirls (or girls) so I thought maybe rhinestone eyes would perk it up for them. actually I don't like them either, LOL. The foals eye and mares are the same size, and although so tiny you would not believe how hard they are to set, they shouldn't be the same size. and the next time I'm going to add a little water to the dye because i don't even like it that dark. This block stuff, something you can get a tandy online? Or my Tandy seller? Never mind, heading to my tandy guy so I'll look. That's for writing, Cheryl

  14. OK, as usual I had no idea this would take so long, intended to put the whole necklace up, but things take the time they take. I'm going to make it all out of leather supplies, a sewn leather jump ring, and Tandy gold/black lace, oh well that doesn't matter. Any help to improve as always greatly appreciated. Cheryl

  15. Cheryl:

    Never underestimate the power of Youtube to learn stuff. There are loads of leather carving, etc videos on there. I've learned to do a lot of things just because youtube had a video. (Passive solar heart, (done) Passive Solar Food Dehydrator (done), Viking Knitting, (done) Darning socks (not done, but I know how now), French Seams (done) Jewelry Making (done) Pythagorean Theorem, Calculus, Physics (OMG, hope I never have to do that crap again, Done!) I even think there is a video on there on how to "kiss properly" LOL


    It's weird, I go there all the time and watch videos related to my horse, but have just been too awed and busy trying to read everything here. Soon as I post my newest project, I'm going there and find out how to kiss properly, ROFL

    Anyway... here is one of my favorite Leather craft time lapsed videos.

  16. Cheryl,

    Is there a Tandy's near you? They have many classes including "beginning tooling". That may give you the start you need! There are books that have some basic tooling techniques, look on Tandys website. Buy every book you can afford, start reading and your direction will be clearer.

    Also, maybe look into a subscription of "The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal" They have projects that range from beginner to advanced. It also will stir your creative mind! Buy back issues that come up for sale once in a while, you can get a huge dose of inspiration all at one time instead of waiting for a new issue to come every 2 months! I have 12 years of back issues and I go through them all the time for ideas, tips, and inspiration!


    You seem to be a frustrated artist with little or no direction. Set you sights on something achievable and practice. Also take a look on Etsy and see what is on there to see if something stands out, not to steal an idea but to improve and make it your own.

    Starting a business is hard enough but starting one with no products is impossible. Strike out in a direction of what you want to learn, perfect it, produce it, and then put it up for sale. Marketing items you make on Etsy is a good place to test the market for prototype items you make. It is inexpensive and has lots of support. You might think of putting your website aside for right now, Etsy is a friendlier "beginner" environment that will get your crafts 100 times more exposure than your own website will. Many people earn their whole living selling from Etsy, many do not do as well on their own website so put more energy to their Etsy store.


    Just my thoughts, congrats on doing your own thing!!

    Hi Rick. No I don't have a Tandy store around here, only a Michaels. I checked my store's schedule and couldn't find anything soon relating to leather work. I have a store on Etsy which I haven't checked in forever. I could open a new one with the things I have now, which are different than my endless blinged conchos :-) Yes, when you can list an item for 4 months for 20 cents, it's hard to beat that kind of deal. My website is finished at this point except the meta tags so I can get it spidered. It's a free google thing they are doing for small businesses, at least for the first year, with a REAL domain name, and after a year, if you're satisfied with it, I think it's 4.99 a month. It's only a 5 page site, but has intuit site designer and is really easy to use, i slap things on there, move them around, and take 'em down like a big collage in my head. Much easier than when I used to code everything.

    You have given me lots of ideas Rick and I saved the link to the journal. When I'm on eBay trying to snag tools as cheap as possible, I'll check for this too.

    thanks so much, Cheryl

  17. Hi Cheryl

    I read and understand your post, and can totally relate to what you are saying... Congratulations, btw on your choice to become a leather worker.

    You are gonna love it! I just did recently, and I Love the new found freedom to be creative in my own way. I too have lots of friends that have lots

    of suggestions of what I should make. Also I find, no matter where I go and show what I am making... Everyone has an idea or preference for

    something other than what I have just made. Don't get me wrong, they like what I have made, it is just that they have their own creative ideas too.

    This reminds me of the time I was at the Post Office showing someone in line what I was making. I had different items with Horses, Dogs,

    the Moon & one with the Sun, and they said hey that is nice, but do you have something with a Black Crow? I was pretty proud of what I had, and

    they wanted something else. You are just going to find a lot of people will want What They Want... Heheheh People are funny, aren't they?

    Whether it be Close friends or Complete strangers, some ideas will jive with what you're thinking/making, and some wont. But that's OK...

    They are just expressing their own creativeness too and most likely don't mean to have had their ides come off as criticism of your work.

    I think everyone has their own Favorite Thing.

    You probably don't even have to say much, or you could say "Oh, that a good idea". And then just tuck that idea away in your list of ideas...

    Whether you mean that or not isn't as important as just making your friends feel like their thoughts are OK too. Most everyone is just trying to be helpful.

    They are just ideas, and not orders. ......... Unless they are actually asking you to make something specific for them.

    It is probably wise for us to decide whether we are only going to make what we want to, or down the road, maybe we are going to take "Special Requests"...

    Everyone has a little different idea of how they are going to conduct their leather business. But........ it might be wise for us to be open minded, to a certain degree.

    Let others have their creative ideas, with out taking it like a personal affront.

    And maybe........ down the road....... you might just change your mind about one thing or another. :thumbsup: And that is OK too.

    As far as leather workers go, even the masters have a few different ideas about how to do things. Although the basics are probably going to be the same,

    you will find some differences. And that is OK. Some of this leather work is done the same by most, and some is learned through

    experience and your own personal preference. and that's OK too.

    Thank Goodness for Leatherworker.net and how all those folks share their ideas and experience with us.

    There is soooo much to learn... so what ever you do...... Have fun!

    You are so right Cheryl. I just went through a nasty split with my partner in the business of what? 6 weeks, LOL. And I was sad but relieved. We couldn't agree on whether it was raining or not. But John's been a friend of mine for years and he only has my best interests at heart even though yesterday to me he sounded like my ex business partner. All I was 'hearing' was criticism and someone telling me what I 'should' do. It was just a suggestion really on his part, he thinks there's an easier way to make a horse eye and doesn't understand why I would want to spend more time trying to carve it. I realized today I could do both. He and another friend asked me if I'd thought about doing leather concho jewelry yesterday at almost the same time since I started in leather doing blinged leather bridle conchos no one wanted, LOL. So since I own all the leather conchos in the world, LOL it sounded like a good idea for my site, a line of jewelry I'd LIKE to make. But I didn't have any findings anymore, and was just having a bad day and took what he said wrong. so today I wake up, it's a new day, and a good one and I start hunting through the house for things and I have stuff to make a really nice set of concho earrings or two, plus a necklace. I have things out, all ready to start, and it feels good. These will be tooled, not carved but I'm still going to be creating. That doesn't mean I'm giving up my work on 'in the eye of a horse' and it also doesn't mean I'm giving up dying this dang black tack set either, LOL. I can do them all, depending on which mood I'm in.

    I've already emailed him and apologized which he graciously accepted. So I'm off to create :-) You guys are so cool, I mean really neat people. I figured this thread would get taken down, or no one would respond, but I underestimated you. Thanks so much, Cheryl

    You're right Aaron, he's my best friend and I'm not going to let this change that. It just seems that suddenly everyone wants me doing things fast, and I want to do them right. This has always been about creating to me, creating beautiful lasting things and maybe that can't be a part of business anymore. I don't want to believe it though. Maybe I am going too slow. I have a veg tanned belt that I want to cut to make a headstall, so I can FINALLY get some of my work on my site. And I'm afraid to cut it. It's the only leather I own besides conchos. I don't feel like I know enough yet about tooling it. I'm afraid I'll mess up the cuts. I don't have buckles for it yet. i haven't made a template. All these things keep running through my head. I don't have all the things to burnish the edge.....I am literally paralyzed by indecision right now. Some folks recommended I make some earrings, etc out of my conchos. I have a ton of those but no fittings. So I just keep doing things here, trying to learn and maybe putting off decisions, I don't know.

    A lot to think about in a logical manner, not this continuous circle. Thank you Arron for writing. Cheryl

    I've already emailed him Aaron and apologized. :-)

  18. Sometimes our friends can see the picture that is bigger than us. We are too close to see any more than we can focus on. I have read a lot of your posts, and I see that you are trying to learn. Sometimes learning can be a slow and painful process. Keep in mind that your friend, weather he was correct or incorrect was giving his advise to you to the best of his ability, just as you are trying to work to the best of your ability.

    Wait a day or two and call him. He is likely feeling sad, just as you are.


    You're right Aaron, he's my best friend and I'm not going to let this change that. It just seems that suddenly everyone wants me doing things fast, and I want to do them right. This has always been about creating to me, creating beautiful lasting things and maybe that can't be a part of business anymore. I don't want to believe it though. Maybe I am going too slow. I have a veg tanned belt that I want to cut to make a headstall, so I can FINALLY get some of my work on my site. And I'm afraid to cut it. It's the only leather I own besides conchos. I don't feel like I know enough yet about tooling it. I'm afraid I'll mess up the cuts. I don't have buckles for it yet. i haven't made a template. All these things keep running through my head. I don't have all the things to burnish the edge.....I am literally paralyzed by indecision right now. Some folks recommended I make some earrings, etc out of my conchos. I have a ton of those but no fittings. So I just keep doing things here, trying to learn and maybe putting off decisions, I don't know.

    A lot to think about in a logical manner, not this continuous circle. Thank you Arron for writing. Cheryl

  19. Sounds like you have the backbone already, just aim for what you want and you will get it eventually. Not everyone is going to understand why you want it and you may not either sometimes. Keep plugglng away and slowly but surely you will get there.

    IT will happen.

    Good luck,


    Thank you Kevin. Maybe I do have the backbone. I just am tired of making concessions to other people's idea of what I should create and how fast. And as much of a friend as John has been, and how supportive, he hasn't gotten it yet. Maybe it's because I'm unsure myself at times like you say, but I'm about to revisit a business plan I made up about 6 weeks ago and see how much MY direction has changed, and get it down in writing for myself. Thanks for writing. Cheryl

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