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Posts posted by DoubleC

  1. Here's the latest project. It's a floral tooled, one ear headstall. It turned out nice I think considering it's only the second headstall I've ever built! I wish the camera was better. It really does look better in person. At any rate, take a look at it and let me know what you think. Thanks and stay blessed.

    OK Rook, here's the way I see it. You've shown us two of your works so far and both looked so professional they could have been machine made, except you're are better than that. Are you messing with us about these projects being your first or second. rofl.gif

    I hope my 99th looks that good. Beautiful Work

  2. Here's the latest project. It's a floral tooled, one ear headstall. It turned out nice I think considering it's only the second headstall I've ever built! I wish the camera was better. It really does look better in person. At any rate, take a look at it and let me know what you think. Thanks and stay blessed.

    OK Rook, here's the way I see it. You've shown us two of your works so far and both looked so professional they could have been machine made, except you're are better than that. Are you messing with us about these projects being your first or second. rofl.gif

    I hope my 99th looks that good. Beautiful Work

  3. The image was broken but I managed to open in a new tab though it was tiny. From what I can see it looks like a compass used for drafting. A graphite stick about 1/16" in diameter fit in the one I had.

    After I posted it, it dawned on me it was probably a compass. I am too old and been out of school too long. But it will be handy if I want to cut out some coasters, etc. Thanks, Cheryl

  4. I'm practicing with my basket weave tool, and went to YouTube to Watch George from Tandy do it again. When he used the wing dividers I thought I had seen a pair of those in a box of stuff a friend sent. I went and what I'd seen, but I can't figure them out, or how you would use them. The Arms do loosen and tighten with the little screw, but what the heck do you tighten the left arm too? Thanks, Cheryl

  5. Cheryl,

    Just cool it a little bit. You are ranting and raving about next to nothing. We have moderators to handle anything that gets out of hand, it is not up to you or every one bothered by this type of thing.

    He wasn't telling you you had to buy. Someone may actually want to see his items, you don't make those decisions for other folks.

    You need to re-read what you post and if possible think things through before you react.

    Please do not respond to my post, I really do not need it.


    Of course you don't need it. Neither did I. Yet you again get to be the person seeking out some where you can be negative. Why don't you just not respond to my posts? I haven't asked your help, I don't want your judgement, I don't follow you around and attack you, or tell you perhaps you should think before you say mean things. I try to stay as far away from you ferg as I can. Why can't you do the same thing and give me some peace? Cheryl

  6. Condition: New Size: 58.5 cm (L) * 0.5 cm Material: Genuine Leather / Plate Gold Nail / Megnet Buckle.

    Colour: Pink and Green Plated Gold Nail on the 5mm width genuine leather. and magnet tube buckle closed. the Legth of whole bracelet is 58 CM. So it's also fit for someone wearing as necklace.

    More information, please feel free to review Our eBay store.

    Mikelv, If you were here for any other reason than to SPAM people you would understand we don't spam on this website. No one wants your bracelets here, fit to be worn as a necklace. We have policies in place if someone wants to buy something, and you ain't even close. And don't go all Chinese on me and act like you don't understand this message. We are LEATHER WORKERS, not snake oil sales people. SINCERELY, Cheryl

  7. :whistle: Awww I'm just mouthing off...... I'm certain that I'm not the "inventor" of this style of bracelet. I just found it odd that the line about using it as a necklace as well, is almost verbatim what I had in an Etsy listed a while back on some of them.... Until I realized that most ladies would not wear something like this as a necklace, unless they were of a certain societal bent :crazy:

    We use quality leather and the best metal spots, and pyramids we can find.... I DID discover some time back that they are pyramids and spots made for leather and heavy fabric and those made for the thin stuff...... Anyone need some shallow post pyramids <g>


    I don't understand why a moderator doesn't step in and delete these spam posts. Do I advertise my website? Yeah. You can visit if you want cause it's probably going to be under construction for my whole free yearhead_hurts_kr.gifBut maybe it's just the Asian's catching up with tactics we used 10 years ago and didn't sell a thing doing it (I mean online marketers, not myself because I knew spam never got anyone to buy anything) and not only that it pis**s me off because it makes are our Asian friends on here look bad. This has made me mad since the first time I opened an email in my inbox, that the email had been sold, saying if I just joined this program I would be sipping wine on my private island in a month, year, whatever.

  8. Here are a few projects I did in my "spare" time. All Tandy kits.

    Yes, I know the holster needs a block to keep the gun up. It's a kit-one size (sort of) fits all. That scratch across the holster was not visible until I put some highliter on. I guess I'll need to use a magnifying glass to inspect my leather.

    Comments are welcome.

    I think they turned out good John. I didn't notice a scratch? But I hear ya about magnifying glasses. When I'm finished anymore I scan my pic, and use that and a magnifier to work out any small problems. Cheryl

  9. This is what metal does to wet leather, turns it black.

    This was a piece of metal hanger on a scrap piece of leather.

    It can be used to enhance a project or destroy it.

    Now that's interesting. I'm looking all around my room for something metal I like. Actually I have a really old, uh, something, looks like a bud vase but I don't think that was the purpose when it was made, in brass from India. Do you think it would turn it dark, or just absorb the outside impressions?

    Also I have a silver plate tray, Paul Revere repro by Rogers, that has a wonderful etched design in it. I've been looking at the wet formed trays people make and this would really be pretty, only unfortunately the design would be on the bottom. Oh well DUH, If I wet formed around the brass the design would be inside. Actually I could case the leather, make the designs, then on the tray wet form in around the bottom which would be easier anyway. Oh man, too many things to try, too little time.

  10. Cheryl,

    Keep your head safe :) and try to google for "molding" or "making a mold".

    Molding leather has nothing different from the other materials molding processes (different sorts of plastic, metal (mostly ref as "stamping" there), fiberglass+epoxy fabrication (and other composite materials) in boat and military industry etc etc).

    Thanks! I definitely have to give it a try.

    Thanks Suicide, I put my head in vice grips, thus avoiding the explosion. Going to totally reread this again, plus look at the other thread again Kevin did on this until i get it. Cheryl

  11. Hey Cheryl;

    No foam, just a hole in a block of wood, drop the wet leather in the hole, drop another small block over the leather and in the same hole, place another piece of wood over that and place it between the jaws of a vice and tighten it up.

    Right on!

    Ok, now you're using all those guy words and I'm totally confused. You have a hole, LOL. You put the wet leather in the wood hole, then you drop wood on it. . So at that point do you put the vice grips, oh no wait, then ANOTHER small piece of wood on top of that. Then you put the vice grips on the the OUTSIDE of the first piece of wood that has a hole so as not to mar the leather, and the top of the second piece of wood to press everything in place until it dries? I get all of it except why the second piece of wood? Do you have the ends of the wet leather between the first and second piece of wood, using the vice grips and second piece of wood to push it down evenly. If not, LOL, just give up on trying to explain to me Kevin, because my head's gonna explode. But thanks, Cheryl

  12. Cheryl, check this out http://leatherworker...howtopic=37136.

    I was trying to eliminate all the work of trying to form a piece of leather around a block.

    You could easily form one or two of these a day once the mold is made and then you have it.

    I probably have about one hour into making the mold from scrap wood I had laying around.

    Just put the leather in the block and go watch the hockey game.

    You would use something smaller that would go in the shape of the pocket without flatting it out on a large slab.


    I found the other wet formed bag tutorial after I posted to you. And I forgot to hit 'watch topic' so I didn't get your message. I just went to the link you gave me, and if I have this right, you cut out a wood form. Then you cut out around the wood form in foam. And now you put your wet leather in the foam, and put the wood form on it so you don't have to do all the nailing, and creasing, etc. It drys, and you have a wet formed bag top. Wow too cool.

  13. Thanks for the comments. Having picked up lots of tips from here it is good to be able to try and give a little back.

    You did this tutorial so well, even I could understand it :-) And I truly laughed out loud over your patented tool you use for cutting the round part. I also appreciate you giving alternatives to different tools for those of us trying to get things a little at a time before we end up in the poor house with all the leather workers that have passed before us head_hurts_kr.gif

    You_Rock_Emoticon.gif Cheryl

  14. This is my 1st wet formed project and I'm happy with the results.


    Really nice job Kevin. I've seen a lot about 'wet molding' on here but mostly with holsters, and bags. So did you buy this mold instead, or make it? And stamping it after it's molded wouldn't change the shape? I'm pretty lost on this subject, maybe you could show a mold. And I'll see if I can find a tutorial on it. Cheryl

  15. I am happy with how this turned out, except for the two bloody fingers I got sewing the tiny jump ring. I need to come up with another idea for those. Yet I don't think it's perfect yet. Any pointers on what I could have done better would be a big help. Thanks, Cheryl

  16. Hey guys, I've been lurking here for a few weeks and figured maybe I should introduce myself and show some of my work. My name is Cam and I took up leatherworking as a hobby almost 2 years ago. I got into traditional archery, making longbows, and decided that making archery accessories was the next logical step. I started learning to tool and carve leather on some arm guards, and have since made quivers, knife sheaths, pouches, etc. Seems I do more leatherworking now than archery related stuff. Anyway, here are some pictures.

    A quiver and arm guard


    More Arm Guards





    Some knife sheaths


    A pouch for a compass


    Thanks for looking!

    Really nice things Cam, thanks for showing us. Cheryl

  17. Thanks,

    This particular topic is a strong interest of mine. Glad to help. Of course being a little OC doesn't hurt either.


    I just took the time to read this whole thread although I'll admit at times my eyes glazed over. I don't understand why people are worrying about disney, harley etc. when I see photos of people's original work HERE being downloaded over and over. Are there people who just come to this board to work from other's pics of finished projects, or not so finished even?

  18. Cheryl,

    I will admit I am a little confused with your post. It seems to begin you are agreeing with me, at the end you aren't.

    I think many folks do not understand the way a public library has to work. When I was a kid and growing up, we went to the library, got a card, checked books out for two weeks time, if you didn't return the book on time you were charged .02 per day the book was overdue. We don't have the luxury of that anymore. Did you vote for the last County or City Library request to the voters for operating capitol via taxes? If you didn't,you have no right to grumble about the fee you get charged. County and City Library's have become separate entities quite often now. They simply do not have the funds to provide the best service.

    Borrowing from the Library is not the same in any way shape or form. Again, Amazon or whoever, is in the business to make money. If they didn't, a lot of folks would have no job. The money to run the e-book system has to come from somewhere. Do you think the owners are all rich? I can probably answer that question myself.

    Come on, How do you think the musicians and singers survive monetarily? Every time someone downloads a song illegally, that is money out of the artist's pocket.

    Do you actually think you have the right to manipulate the "viewing" software so you can get a free book or song? Unfortunately you are not the only person in the world that

    thinks in this way. I really feel sorry for you. Somewhere along the way you did not learn "Right from Wrong".

    I have said my piece.

    BTW: Hellfire was right on!!!


    I just wrote you a 5 paragraph answer that was lost and that's probably best for all concerned since I was raised to respect my elders, even rude, know it all ones.

    I won't say but two things.......Don't you EVER doubt the way I raised and I hope you and Hellfire get out into the real world sometime, where it's not a meeting of the top 1% pooh poohing the rest of us trying to get by and better ourselves. Ferg, you only respond to posts where you can judge other people, you never offer help. With you it's negative, negative, and more negative. I guess at least it gives you something to do.

    I lied, 3rd, I VOTE in every election, do you. And you must not have been raised right because you can't even spell manners.

  19. Boy, there sure are a lot of people from Oklahoma here. I'm not really all that new but I don't think I ever made a post here so I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.

    I have three grown children and a ten year old son that I homeschool. This summer hubby and I were finally able to move from the city to the country we now live on three acres. It's a double wide trailer but I don't care it's all mine! :) I was diagnosed with psoriasis about 10 years ago so I'm not a social butterfly. My psoriasis has now progressed into psoriatic arthritis which I'm told my joints are deteriorating so fast I will probably be incapacitated in 15 years. I live with a lot of pain but I have my good days! It's those days that I like to work on my leather projects. I find it very relaxing and I get so involved that my troubles seem to fade away so, I guess you could say I find it therapeutic. Anyway, I'm enjoying getting to see all your creations and I cruise the board everyday reading all the information I'm finding it all very helpful.

    Well I feel a little silly welcoming you when you've been here longer than I have, but welcome anyway from VT. Show us some of your work. Cheryl

  20. I think the use of the information is being a little misunderstood. The Library has books to lend for reading. They are supported, for the most part by tax payer money

    of which there isn't much being distributed these days. They have to make up the shortfall in ways that may aggravate some folks but fees are one way to do it.

    As for the e-books that you can peruse on site without buying them........ Amazon for instance, makes money from selling a subscription to folks so they can read the book/books.

    If they are terribly upset because Sylvia, and others, have figured out how to beat the system, they will close that hole in the software. At that time who is the winner?

    Don't anyone give me the "Greed" bit. Every student has a vast amount of expenses when attending college. Books are certainly a large part of that. Soon, the printed page

    will be for those of us that still like to read a physical book at abysmal prices, I could go on but you get the idea.

    BTW: Sylvia, don't become so defensive about your method, that may show you are not quite comfortable with it either.

    Just my .02


    Right on Ferg. Wouldn't we all like a huge library stuffed full of the printed word we love? What Sylvia taught us, and borrowing from a library is exactly the same. I don't know who Hellfire thinks he is, but I have two published SS in two different anthologies in my library back in my roots of Ohio. And I proud they are there for people to read. What's to be uncomfortable about? We've always made books available, but try and download a SONG and you'll end up in prison. And I'm sure she's right about the fees at her 'county' library. I live in Rutland VT. now, and the only people who can use the library are the ones who live in Rutland 'city.' Not anyone else in the county, unless you pay a fee. Damn disgrace. Cheryl

  21. It's the life of a leather worker!

    I usually have to do everything two and three times, maybe more before I'm happy with it.

    I know Kevin, but I don't have what I need right now and my improvising isn't working, I have no block, I have no rubbing alcohol to cut the dye with, I think I'll just stamp some up for next month (BTW looked it up, birthstone for Feb. is amethyst and have those in rhinestone settings) and once I get what I need, oh crap what am I gonna blame then? I decided to switch to rose earrings, same concept, probably same results :-) Thanks for your support, Cheryl

  22. OK, as usual I had no idea this would take so long, intended to put the whole necklace up, but things take the time they take. I'm going to make it all out of leather supplies, a sewn leather jump ring, and Tandy gold/black lace, oh well that doesn't matter. Any help to improve as always greatly appreciated. Cheryl

    New Pendant, same crappy work on my end. Oh and resolene doesn't block. And although I had a fairly good impression, I just had to try and 'tweek' it. with a background tool, make the impression deeper. I don't think I wanna play anymore

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