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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. That is incredible. How do you get such nice depth in your thumbprints and decorative cuts in 4oz leather? Very very nice. That will be one happy customer.
  2. That's it I quit! Who wants my tools. That is beyond words....................................
  3. Those straps are outstanding. Way cool tooling designs, very intricate and well executed work. Truly some fine masterpieces here. Would like to see, HD, larger closeup view. Congrats you nailed it.
  4. You Da Man Dude. Thanks I need to try this out.
  5. That is very cool. The color combo and the stiyching is way nice,,,,,,,way nice:You_Rock_Emoticon:
  6. Okay, how do you do a basketweave with a swivel knife and a swivel beveler? This place is always teaching me something new.
  7. Oops the tan looked like canvas to me. Yes, the link you had on your FB showed how you went about making the purse.
  8. I like the different leather and fabric mix. Very well done. Thanks for the pictorial on your process.
  9. Looked closer, threads. Now I need to find the grub who has my screws. Thanks Jon
  10. No screws and no threads.
  11. I just finished a belt and want to install the fancy belt tip. I have it fit to the belt, but how do I keep it on? There are two very small holes on the backside of the tip. So, I'm open what's the procedure? Thanks in advance, Jon
  12. Very nice. I like the addition of the initials on the belt tongue, unique touch.
  13. "Chinamart" :evillaugh: :evillaugh: LMAO
  14. kings x, can you describe the packaging tape, clear, brown, vinyl, duct, paper, thick, thin? Thanks
  15. thanks folks, I'm always in need of direction and now have a clearer path.
  16. Nail on the head BROTHER, Nail on the head. Tools will make the differance. NICE waylon, he would be proud.....................Oh Rainy Day Women...........Love that tune
  17. Do I back my leather with cardboard for larger projects an packing tape for belts? Should I case, seal and then glue it down. Glue down, then case and seal. Also, how do I do packing tape for belts, pictures work. Thanks for the help JON
  18. Bluesman

    Wall Decoration

    :jawdropper: :jawdropper: :jawdropper:
  19. Thanks, that is very nice. I would love see that in person.
  20. Just got back into this hobby and remebered the antique I use to use from Fiebing. Bought some antique from Tandy, Eco Flo, and the results were.....NOT. So I kept asking myself, is this the way it used to be, back 30 years ago. Well with the help of this forum and some searching I found that Fiebing still makes the original paste. From thier site I asked were can I buy it. They told me my local Tandy store. Nope they don;t carry it. So off to the Fiebing site I go, Hi Ho, Hi Ho it's off to buy we go. I order four 4oz bottles and $10.50 a pop and I'm happy as a pig in mud. The next day I get the shipping confirmation. Only to notice it was shipped from Milwaukee, WI. I live in 70 miles north and was 3 miles from this place on shipping day. Never knew they existed. Oh, well good info and I'll pack it away. So I visit thier site, I can buy the antique direct from them for $5.15 a bottle. So let's do some quick math. 4 bottles from Fiebing at $42 plus $10 shipping = $52. I order from the place in Milwaukee and pick it up at thier wharehouse, same four bottles $20.60. Holy Crap that is some mark up these ^%(&%&(*&*&*& have :wtf: So just letting all of you good folks know that if you order from Fiebing direct you may just overpay........a little bit
  21. Very nice, and I agree with Suicide. Try embossing and keep on going.
  22. Question. Do you add the Lexol to the casing water? Or do you case the leather and then spead on a couple of drops to the leather?
  23. This is absolutley a great thread. Could not remember how I usde to finish. Maybe because Tandy doesn't carry what I used to use. So after reading this thread I got on the WEB. Have this coming. (4) Jars of Fieblings Antique Paste (different colors of course) (2) 2 Quarts od Wyoshene (Neatlac) (1) Quart of Neatsfoot Oil. Bring on the Hide
  24. You just have to lose that username, have to. What do I think That is wonderful. did you hand stich that or machine. The toughest patterns for me to do are the smaller ones. Great job!!!!
  25. I just did it with a Swivel Knife and my dads old Plastic Swivel knife burnishing tool, that basically I use on very project. To me a bevel on one side of the line all the way down. Thanks:) Colors, I just brushed the background black and use a old sock to stain the outsides with red-brown dye. the natural I leave plain, after every project I apply neatsfoot oil and then leather balsam, heat with a hairdryer and buff. Thanks, it looks great.
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