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Everything posted by Leatherbaron

  1. Looks like you got it all "dead"centre
  2. Besides Dyeing the leather you can also leather veg tan leather in the sun for a while and it will darken consideably
  3. Here is my newly created leather edger with twin sided edging rollers Cost$365 Metal from scrap yard 5$ 3/4 " shaft for rollers was $10 plus $60 for an Engineering guy with lathe to clean up the shaft and thread both ends and supply 2 nylon locknuts Bearing and casings were $80 I bought the motor new for $160 but only because I could not find one for free, a washing machine motor would have done the job but my local dump shop had none after a cleanup. V-Belt $14 , The motor I used was 3000 rpm and the bearing company where I got the bearings from with the casings for the shaft Calculated the size of the 2 pulleys needed to obtain 2000 rpm which is just the right speed. The Pulleys were $36 Got a friend with a wood leathe to turn up the rollers with various grooves with 3/4 hole through centre. Motor rotates clockwise hence the rollers rotate clockwise Could have been very cheap if I had access to more parts for free , but I bought all new parts Otherwise it is a very simple piece of equipment and It work great.
  4. I have just completed 2 tool bags for a couple of Harley in Darwin NT these are the photos of the completed bags . What ya reckon ? I sell em for $160.00 each Regards LeatherBaron
  5. You would be too pissed to work on leather with that cave Rgds
  6. Because it is a washing machine motor it runs real slow and good speed.... Leatherbaron :-)>
  7. I used a local Australian companies Black Dye and Clear finish - the company is "MacLace" I used to one use tandy dye untill I realised how crappy it is , it takes a million coats to make leather black... MacLace one coat. Regards Terry
  8. Ever had one of those jobs that you were suposed to finish last month and you still have not started it..... Well this is mine.....this log book cover was all paid for and for some reason or other with moving house , then moving states , the got lazy , then lost the paper work on what the hell was suposed to be on it. Well after more than six months I finally finished it and sent it by mail to the gent who ordered it, he was amazingly understanding about all my reasons for not finishing it over the 6 month period, some were even true. Anyway check out the - South Australian log book , the log book is about A4 in size maybe a bit bigger.... tried to do a greekish carving with a tinge of royalty built in to it.... dunno if I achieved that but I was happy with it anyway. I promised myself never to take such a long time to do a job ever again, you just feel too guilty , and boy when they ring you out of the blue and you try to find some reason that you have not finished it yet...... I made the guy a free wallet and a free belt to compensate for my slackness. The LEATHERBARON Terry O'Brien
  9. Got fed up doing the edges by hand, had no money to buy a production model edge burnisher so I made this one out of scraps... it worked like a charm. 1. Used a electric washing machine motor to drive it - strapped to a piece of scrap metal for a bracket 2. direct drive through a broken hand grinder head stock end bit 3. connected an old drill chuck to the end of it 4. got a friend with wood turning machine to turn this wooden burnisher edger 5. connected wood burnisher to the chuck with a bolt straight into the drill chuck and away it went , good as gold. Shit this could be a commercial idea..... ok you guys dont look. ( C ) Terry O'Brien 2012 Regards The LEATHERBARON Terry O'Brien
  10. I love making holsters , dont get to do too many but I try to make em look good.... a couple of photos below for you to look at Regards LEATHERBARON Terry O'Brien
  11. nice knife sheaths .... I would love to see them in a bit larger photo though ... still very nice Regards Terry
  13. I got my Cowboy 441 Leather sewing machine last week from Harness Maker - Jim Beaton (Saddler) in QLD , thanks Jim . Using the machine will take some learning but I needed a muscle man to help me put it together It is exactly the same as the Cobra and the Techsew 5100 to a TEE even the flatbed working bench that slips over the Cylindar. The machine and table were about 120 kg or 264 pounds in weight .... the base under the table was 1/4 solid steel that I could hardly lift. Still figuring it all out. but it sews that much I know.... Terry O'Brien LEATHERBARON
  14. So darn clean , my place don't look like that at alll heh heh ....now that I just bought a Cylindar sewing machine ( cowboy ) it will probably get worse
  15. I like the use of those tool without actually carving the leather , nice pattern well done.
  16. You want to open a pandoras box , if your worried about all that stuff then you had better not post anything because even have of the words you say are prone to copyright , best way is if anyone objects delete it , they will give warning anyway , if you are selling something then you are more prone to copyright and you should not be using copyright material ( which is anything you did not create ) regards
  17. Thanks for the comments Joel, I will check the guitar site.... Hey ifn you like the shadows so much maybe ya better buy my CD's - all instrumental songs from the shadows bar 1 or 2 heh heh $15 each ( I play the lead guitar , I recorded it , I printed the labels and I Burned the CD's) (backing tracks from A friend in Sweden Goran Tangring )
  18. Leatherbaron

    Wall Decoration

    Looks like a nice picture , shame about the bloody transparent overlay though are you scared someone will steal your design ?
  19. It is hard to get gun in Australia but I would love a whole bunch of em so I could make holsters your holsters are brilliant , i love the brown colour in particular.... keep it up , nice work Terry www.leatherbaron.com
  20. One of the harness makers I just bought my sewing machine from told me to use next size down thread for the bobbin compared to your main thread....try that maybet it will make a difference
  21. Nice setup , you must have a fortune in Skivers etc on the wall....... I like the wood in the house above your workbench.... different to the old Australian tin roof houses here... Would love to get some of your cool weather instead of 34 deg celcius every day of the year except when it is raining weather it gets right down to about 27 c then heh heh Regards Terry
  22. My workshop...hmmm my mess ok ... gimmi a sec I will run it and snap a few shots Terry
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