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Everything posted by jrny4wrd

  1. It is my first time making a cuff and have previously been using fiebings tan-kote on top of the fiebings dye. This cuff is a heavy black and would like to keep it matte finished. This cuff is for a biker so I am sure rain will be an issue compaired to my usual clutch purses. What flexible matte finish would be best in a circumstance like this? What would be best for side bags? Will eco-flo professional finish work on fiebings dyes? I have used the black oil dye. I also have neets oil and resoline but the resoline is too shiny. Not sure if the consistant sweat may cause problems. Can I add oil and then finish to keep the leather from drying?
  2. There is character here. There is something special about traditional. It's respect. Respects towards what gives not just what is taken. There is a movement yes but it has been around since b4 feibing was even born. Its called respecting what gives. Maybe the water based hippy shit isn't working as good as some of the others, heck maybe it works like crap, but people are trying and with that can come things not only more safe for your mother, children, and you but also a bit more respects full for the earth and the cattle in which the hyde you have taken. So mock the movement if you want, everyone knows that a man can hunt with a knife and cry over which it killed and be more of a man then a gun that fears his internal self.
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