Now its time for timing. But how to start?
As I said I had to replace the timing belt. I just put it on an tried make settings by reading the Manual but my technical English is not very good and the pictures in the manuals are too dark do not help me very much.
So I first tried to set the stitch length, that was the 1st thing that did not work. Maybe I misunderstood something. I pushed the left pin on the bed and turned to handwheel towards me. No movement at all, the only thing that happened was that the safety clutch poped out.
Okay, I knew there is a video on youtube of how to put it back in. I figured that my clutch has no slotted screw but instead it has a flat bolt. So I tried it on my own. This ended up in removing the clutch from the shaft. And I figured I can just pop the clutch back while putting a lever (screw driver) between the 2 pins and push it back in - worked well. I hope I did not damage anything doing it this way. However the V shaped metal tongue is back in the V shaped notch and there is no play, it fits tight in there!
So thats the point where I'am - the belt is still off and the clutch is set again.
At this point I think it would be the easiest way to time the machine. So I think when I but the needle bar and the feed dog in a certain positions and then but the belt back on it probably should work.
Good Idea or bad Idea? Anyway, I have no clue of what to start with so I really could use some help.