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Everything posted by Artimus

  1. Reducer pulley getting delivered today! We'll see how this works.
  2. Found one for $125.00. Free shipping. I may pull the trigger.
  3. Constabulary, where would you suggest getting a reducer? I've seen people mentioning $120.00, but everywhere i look they're more like $150 - $160.
  4. Tom... this is the motor ---> CONSEW BRUSHLESS SERVO MOTOR CS1000 FOR INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES 3/4HP I've seen the youtubes of how someone's done the variant shading on the paper and stuck it to the (???)... I'm assuming that's the Modified interrupter paddle? Will that make it go SLOWER, though? I thought that just gave you more speed options up and down. I assumed if the lowest speed I could get was, say, "10" (<---made up speed here), but I want it to go down to say, "5", if I modified the paddle, it would still just start at the lowest, "10", and be able to move up ward. Do you think with this modification I coiuld go LOWER than the lowest speed now?
  5. Just installed a Servo on the Singer 111W155. I've got it set to the lowest speed (9) and lowest max speed. (2). (odd numbering system for the servos, by the way.) I want the machine to crawl. It's still too fast. Short of paying another $120 - $150 for a reducer pulley (and going through another install, belt purchase, adjustments, etc. etc. ) is there something else I can do to slow this down to a crawl? Maybe a smaller pulley on the servo? Suggestions? Artie Mascon Leather
  6. I'd been planning this bag for 2 years or more. Procrastinating. I finally just cut the hide and started. It took about 60 hours total to do.
  7. Let us know what you do, with pictures.
  8. Thanks bob!! I've always used Weldwood cement. I've read some about Barge. How different is Barge from weldwood. Both are contact cements, right? is Barge better / stronger than Weldwood?
  9. What glue do you use to attach a plastic clip-in /; snap-in cell case (iphone, etc. etc.) to the inside of leather? Last night I tried 8 different adhesives.... (yes, EIGHT) I Had a long strip of plastic, and I cut 8 pieces of leather all from the same hide. I Labelled all 8 and glued away. 1. E6000 2. Gorilla Glue Gel 3. Super Glue Gel 4. Fiebings Leather glue 5. weldwood Contact cement (did this in two stages. Put on thin layer to both, dried, put on second layer to both. let dry, then attach). 6. Generic super glue / wal-mart 7. Beacon 527 8. Super glue purple brush on. Left over night and pulled on the loose end the next morning . .. Utter failures: 7. Beacon 527 (the wind would have blown this off!) 6. Generic Super Glue Some that were "okay" : 1. E6000 3. Super Glue Gel 5. Weldwood The best (but still not great) of these 8 were: 2. Gorilla Glue Gel 5. Super glue purple Anyhow. . . . Even the three best weren't great. It didn't take much to pull them apart. The glues adhered to the leather, but only a few tiny bits of Gorilla and Super glue stuck to the plastic. Is there something else out there that's better!??!?! Example of plastic case below or attached.
  10. Hand stitched with Tiger 1.0 white. All solid brass hardware. Copper rivets. Natural edge left on front flap closure.
  11. Horween leather. 1.0 white Tiger thread. (hand stitched, obviously)
  12. Links to banjo strap youtube videos on your etsy page aren't working
  13. and the price was right! Nice find.
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Leather-Secrets-by-F-O-Baird-1976-Huge-Leather-Working-Instruction-Book-/251159871372?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a7a4b7f8c
  15. Spending 6 hours on a project over multiple days and then running the stitch groover off track across the face of the leather. Gotta love that! Hello, Mr. SLOW DOWN!
  16. For those who don't have proper leather working "studios" or workshops, where and how do you keep all of your leather before it's used? the rolls, the sheets, etc.
  17. Which is best / easiest to use for an antique finish? I want to do some resisting, too, so which will not penetrate the resist as much?
  18. What are the rings made of? (looks great!)
  19. This is Mahogany oil dye and two coats of "Resolene" as a resist. (and dab the dye from the resisted areas quickly)
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