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  • Location
    detroit lakes mn
  • Interests
    cowboy shooting, casting bullets, gardening, wood working,

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    cowboy related items
  • Interested in learning about
    holsters, belts, loading strips,cuffs,chaps
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    looking for leather related items

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  1. Hi I would like a template Looks like a nice pattern. Thanks
  2. That looks really interesting nice design and color and finishing. I would like to see the retention on the upper part and how it is warn on the body. You have really put a lot of thought and work in that. What type of competition is it used in? I have been making Cowboy action holsters for myself and have spent a lot of time with new designs. Did you use a air brush for the shading? Nice work!
  3. I do all hand stitching and if I have the awl holes punched and have trouble with sewing I use a small pliers to assist pulling the needle through. The only time I really need it is on holsters with 4 to 6 layers of leather. I do have arthuritus in my right thumb and the pliers really helps. A good sharp awl really helps with stitching.
  4. I like to see videos with necessary instructions and not all the unnecessary drivel they add. Most videos can eliminate about 5 min. before they even start with what they are trying to get across.. Some of the videos have bad music and wonderful visual content and would like a hint or two and most short and to the point. I can usually tell within the first min. or so. Like watching paint dry on the wall. Long drawn out instruction and drivvvle can put you to sleep !
  5. My opinion western holsters should be firm and permit easy draw and reholstering. Soft holsters tend to slow draw and reholstering and can be a safety issue. I notice there is a hammer thong that can be used when not in use. Soft holsters for cowboy action or concealed carry should be stiff. JMHO Very nice rig, just need a L. H. holster to finish it off. J. D.
  6. I used well water that has very high iron content and got the same thing. I use bottled water now.
  7. It looks kind of western style for a 1911. I like the covered trigger and a different look for the 1911. It turned out nice for your own pattern. I might try something like that for a Wild Bunch holster. I like the look.
  8. I like the idea, looks well made and useful. If you don't mind I am going to copy your idea. I have a little trouble holding a belt when sanding and burnishing.
  9. Otto looks like a nice cowboy rig. I like the color and the oak leaves look nice. I stitching looks very well done to.
  10. very nice! I l would like to see how the lacing looks also,
  11. Our Tandy is closing down Dec. 31 for good. The employees have been very helpful and friendly. Part of the problem is Tandy seems to overstock them with inventory that doesn't sell in this area. I don't like the quality of there tooling leather for there price. There memberships are out of line also. But like to shop there because it's handy and friendly help. The store is or was in Fargo ND.
  12. It was a VL set I bought and on line it was the same discount price as I paid.
  13. I bought a Paasche air brush at Hobby Lobby and got a 40% cupon online. It was a $120 and 40% off. One good deal. Works great.
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