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Everything posted by Leatherstarter

  1. I’m selling my Tippmann Boss stitcher with accessories for $1250. My projects have been getting smaller over the years and I don’t use it all that much anymore. Everything included is the cobbler bench (about $200), extra bobbins, material guide attachment, needles, extra foot press, spools of thread and all the literature and video is included. It’s in great working order and there are no issues. It’s been a great addition to my leather shop but time to send her off to someone who will appreciate her and put some good use to her. Thanks for looking and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m in the Southern California area, pick up only please. Thanks for looking... **For whatever reason, I can’t download pics but PM me and I’ll send them right over.**
  2. Thanks Paramedic04…it was a long time coming. So far, it's been pretty nice. As I start to use it and if I find things that would have changed, I'll mention it. That way you'll put together a more practical one…Stay safe!!
  3. So, I've been wanting to do one of these tool pouches for awhile now and I finally got the chance. I sized it up to fit in the turnout/bunker pants and can be removed when/if needed. It's set up to fit the tools and keep them in place for easier access instead of rolling around in the pockets. It also prevents the tools to from eventually wearing through the pockets and having to continuously get them repaired (firefighters will know what I'm talking about). I went with a 5/6 oz veg tan and added an extra piece on the top portion (9-11 portion) for a little more rigidity when your removing it from the pocket. Some nice strong copper rivets to hold the tools in place and keep them secure. A clip to attach anything on a ring like keys or in this case, some allen wrenches. I decided to go with this configuration of the pouch instead of a wet form to keep the bottom of the pouch 1 piece. I figured if I had more stitches on the bottom, the wear and tear would break it down a little quicker. I don't know if that would be true but I went with it anyway. It is a little heavier than I wanted but with what it's going to be put through, I needed to make it durable. Anyway, I'll take any constructive criticism or suggestions you want to through at me…thanks.
  4. LTC~ Ya, I've went to about 3 other Threads and did just that (unless that was sarcasm because I did)…haha. Hopefully the info will get out there...
  5. Just an FYI. I found a couple of shops on Etsy that sell to the states without hammering you on shipping (from Canada). They both carry quite a bit of colors, as well as, John James Harness neddles. Just ordered some and it'll take about a week and a half to get. https://www.etsy.com/shop/LionheartCanada https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeatherWurx Hope this helps...
  6. Here's a couple of Etsy shops that gets Tiger Thread to the states in about two weeks and is a great price. Lot's of color options and it doesn't get you on shipping. https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeatherWurx https://www.etsy.com/shop/LionheartCanada Hope this helps...
  7. I know I'm kinda late on this thread but I thought I'd at least throw it out there for newer members. Found these shops on Etsy that sell the Tiger thread for a decent price to the USA. https://www.etsy.com/shop/LionheartCanada https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeatherWurx Hope it helps...
  8. I'm working on a project that's going to require a 2" Conway belt buckle. I know that it sounds bigger than normal but this would be a perfect solution to making the leather adjustable belt. Any help w/ some direction would be extremely helpful. Thanks everyone!!!
  9. I found a pretty cool DIY Biker wallet kit on Etsy. The title is "Biker/Trucker DIY leather wallet kit" and it runs $30. Great way to get a few ideas and play around w/ some templates. Hope it helps and good luck.
  10. I've had some good luck w/ skiving the back rough parts. It cleans it up pretty good. I've also heard if sanding it w/ an orbital sander but I've never tried it. Hope this helps and gets you in a good direction.
  11. Hey guys, totally new to leathering and just got on this site a few months ago. Don't know if this helps and I know it's after the holidays but this tutorial on youtube is awesome and goes over how to make one of these pretty thorough. Good Luck! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrB2uen6lbE
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