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Everything posted by MikeS

  1. I share your interest in Celtic-Pictish-Norse material culture. Great work, I like it!
  2. Great idea! I'm going to shamelessly copy it and make one for myself.
  3. I like it the way it is as well. That is some really fine, crisp workmanship! I use LEATHER BALM as a finish on most of my work and favor it. You might contact Fiebings and ask if their Leather Deglazer will remove the BALM.
  4. I strope mine before and after every use with a bit of jeweler's rouge and a scrap piece of veg tanned leather, both rough then scarf side. It keeps it razor sharp every time. As far as putting an edge on a completely dull blade, as cheap and readily available as they are, I would just replace it with a new blade and maintain it properly if it were me. Knowing how to properly sharpen all types of blades is a skill everyone who uses them should master nonetheless.
  5. Just a hop and a skip from where I'm at. Thank you for the kind words and hearty welcome!
  6. Cheers. I'm in Calloway County, near Murray.
  7. Thanks for the kind welcome!
  8. Hello all, I'm Michael, originally from Dallas TX, and currently living in another home state of many of my ancestors, W. KY. I've been doing a bit of leatherwork, among my many other interests, for a few years now. I've only just started exploring leather carving and stamping. Here are a couple of my latest projects for your amusment: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=61613
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