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Everything posted by bikerbri

  1. Beautiful work , do you happen to have a pattern you could share with us ?
  2. Thanks for the link. Cheers Bri
  3. I don,t know much about them that's why I asked if they were suitable. Cheers Bri
  4. Acton in Wrexham mate - small world init Cheers Bri
  5. Thanks for the replies everyone - the 31 - 15 seems to be quite rare over here in the UK but the rest of the models you have mentioned are readily available, I will be asking a service agent about purchasing a machine one day next week. Thanks again Bri
  6. Is the singer 99 k a good buy for a beginner wanting to make lightweight wallets , purses and such - I actually enjoy sewing heavy weight leather by hand " I find it relaxing " What kind of thickness or weight of leather would it cope with - 3 layers of 2 oz ? and are they easy to maintain. Cheers Bri
  7. mine arrived today, many thanks Bri
  8. As I am just starting making bags, every little helps, so yes please If you could send a copy to brianwalker137@hotmail.co.uk I would be very grateful. Cheers Bri
  9. Hi and welcome from err Wrexham in north wales small world eh really like the artwork on the cuffs truly impressive . Cheers Bri
  10. As a guide I would use 18 / 3 waxed thread for a standard sheath made from 1/16" leather 1/4 total thickness, 18 /4 for anything heavier, 25 / 3 or smaller for light weight leather. Cheers Bri
  11. A guide to british thread sizes, I hope this helps. Cheers Bri How Thread Sizes are calculated: No.1 yarn is 1 pound of flax spun to a length of 300 yards. No.2 yarn is 1 pound of flax spun to a length of 600 yards. And thus; No.18 yarn is 1 pound of flax spun to a length of 5,400 yards. Taking for example a 18/3 thread: The "3" refers to the number of yarns that have been plied together. The "18" indicates that it takes 5,400 yards of such yarn to weigh a pound. It can be seen why bigger numbers mean smaller thread -- the thinner the yarns, the more of them it takes to make a pound. In conclusion. A 25/3 thread is made of three yarns, each made from 1 pound of flax spun out to 7,500 yards and then twisted together.
  12. Thanks for the kind words. Bri
  13. Thanks for the warm welcome. Crystal, I have just visited your web site and you have some artwork to DIE for, If I may ask how long did it take you to get to that standard ? this was the first piece I carved I would very much like to have your opinion Many thanks Brian
  14. Hi everyone, Just a quick hello from across the pond - Wrexham North WALES to be precise not far from LIVERPOOL. I sort of grew into leather work after making a bushcraft knife which then needed a sheath to be made, now there are only so many knives that you need so I then started to make shoulder bags and belt bags, as you can see my hobby just GREW. I am sure that I will discover much more to make by reading the forum, Cheers Bri
  15. Hi everyone, I find that le prevo are very slow to dispatch goods, the Identity store is much quicker and I have had a lot of good quality leather from this ebay seller http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Leather-and-Stuff-UK?_trksid=p2047675.l2563 they will also cut leather to size if they are able to Hope this helps, cheers Bri
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