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Everything posted by Bert51

  1. Sadly this seems to be an on going problem with some YouTube ( and other sites), once incorrect information is posted , it seem that people think it is gospel. Shame he did not remove it when you pointed it out to him, rather then saying "he no longer had the machine and couldn’t look into that person’s problem." I think he has ruined his other Video's as being educational. Thanks for trying CD. Bert.
  2. I have a 105-6 and I use one hole with lighter threads and two or three hole with the heaver stronger threads that need more tension to control and sew with. Bert.
  3. This was posted a few days ago by mikesc " Go to this thread..scroll down to Constabulary's post..they are now hosted here at leatherworker.net ..Trox kindly supplied them.. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/49326-juki-tsc-441-manual-and-part-list-download/ "
  4. I have a similar Machine, it's a 105--6 and the 328 is the right type, but they are also known as 214x1 or 214x2 or 4961. Hope that helps. Bert.
  5. I found the needle size is a big part of the tension adjustment, what size needles do you have?
  6. This is the Thread Stand I was using with a domestic machine when I was having problems, rather then make a new stand to give me more height I brought a industrial Machine and set it up at it's stand at the maximum height I could. I don't think it would be to hard to make a higher top bit if you used heavier rod, then I did.
  7. Some time back when I was have problems winding bobbins, I found this gem from gottaknow, "For example, if the height of the cone is 8", the first loop the thread passes through should be 20" from the base where the cone sits. " And I leave all my machines setup this way and have no problems to speak of.
  8. I think it looks like my Adler 105-6, which is drop feed only.
  9. Brian, looks like you have designed them to be stacked, better then chucked in a small box like mine.
  10. Their is some really clever people on this forum, Wow, what you come up with is brilliant. Thanks, I love it.
  11. Thanks Northmount, I was going to post pics this morning, but ran out of time.
  12. You can buy a Thread Stand for the larger spools from eBay or I found it easy to make a separate stand for the larger spools
  13. Your machine appears similar to my 31K47 and it should have a gap like you have. I do not know the size of the gap, but the bloke who used my machine told me he made it bigger so he could turn corners easier with out losing tension. Stuart.
  14. I think these must be the "RARE" machines I see listed on there?
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