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About snubbyfan

  • Birthday 11/19/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Virginia panhandle
  • Interests
    hiking, mountain biking, camping, shooting, woodwork and lately, leatherwork

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    handgun holsters, knife sheaths and belts.
  • Interested in learning about
    leather carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    from a member on the Smith and Wesson forum

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. Thanks guys, I figured with an edge that wide, I gotta make it look good.
  2. I'd like to see this thread get back on track. I know that there are a lot of self appointed "experts" on YouTube and when a person's just starting out they have to wade through a lot of not so good information and that can be a confusing waste of time. I have my own YouTube channel and I invite advice, comments and opinions because there's always more to learn. On the topic of pattern making, I've had 3 years of drafting and a year of mechanical drawing classes, I make my own patterns but I do know that there's lotsa good advice out there.
  3. Rohn, The billets and the strap are 8-9 ounce. The strap's double layer 8-9 ounce 'cause it needs to be stiff enough to hold up guns, knives and anything else the fellow I made it for wants to hang on it. The keeper's 7-8 ounce. The strap can be a lighter leather or just lined with a lighter leather. I'm planning on making a ranger belt for myself with just a single layer of 12-14 ounce for the strap. That should be just right to hold up my trousers and carry my ccw snubby. Check out the build series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-CUyOfIuQI&list=PLQtTNBOy6Ky-qQyo2j2J7zdCyIvp02O-P
  4. I like it. Nice even dye job and really nice stitch line. Just nice and clean.
  5. He does smoke some good cigars though. He sent me a few while I was working on his leather.
  6. If I was making it for myself, it'd have a loop with a shiny concho and some tooling. The fellow I made it for wanted it plain and brown.
  7. I didn't make the pouch, it was sent to me, unfinished, by the fellow I made the rest of the set for. I wouldn't mess with him.
  8. This was an interesting project. That's a big knife. The stitch down the back.
  9. Doesn't sound like one of my videos.
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