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About cjones

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/28/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australia
  • Interests
    Australian Rules (our brand of Football to the uninitiated), Military History and leathercraft

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    not good enough to specialise

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  1. Plaited belts traditionally used by Australian stockmen
  2. Thanks Fire88 Hi BurnishMyLeather Hoe. Its a fairly straight forward process - I cut a 10mm strip of leather to the required length from the same leather as the bag is made with. Then I cover this by gluing on a strip of pigskin about 20 mm wide. Once done, glue the piping to the gusset and the front/back of the bag and stitch. It gives a more even piping for ham-fisted characters like me and I think it is stronger than using a thin piece of folded leather. Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest Chris
  3. Yeah it does. Tried to make it as bullet proof as possible, it would be a bit more clear if the bag had stuff in it. Chris
  4. Thanks! Actually worked better for me when I cemented in place and put the awl thru both pieces of leather and the piping at once Chris
  5. I had problems with piping. If its any help I ended using a 1cm wide strip of 1.5 mm leather with pigskin glued around it. Chris
  6. Thanks. Made the pattern myself but its pretty closely modelled on the old U.S. Mail carriers bag. Chris
  7. I'm taking the first steps towards making my interest in leather work a paying proposition. Every commuter in Melbourne carries a day pack of some description so I thought I might try and tap into that market. I ended up making 8 bags using 1.5mm veg tanned leather and measure approx 40cm by 30cm, roughly 16" x 12" I think . The bags are unlined and generally pretty minimalist to keep weight down thought I am considering some sort of internal partition in the next batch. FIngers crossed Chris
  8. Hi I've been away from the site for a while and when I logged in today I can't see some of the posted images, often just a line of text ending in .jpg or nothing at all. Am I doing something wrong!
  9. Great looking bag! Thanks for going to the trouble of putting up and providing your pattern. Looking forward to seeing what comes next
  10. Found while cleaning the garage. Not really a recent project - a map case I made in 1978, just about the last thing I made until a year or so ago. It lived in my car for years and comes complete with cat scatches and sundry other dents and stains
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