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About herbworff

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 02/11/1942

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central TX Austin Area North
  • Interests
    Ranching, Longhorns, Shooting, Reloading, Making What Ever

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Jack of All Trades Master of None
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search

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  1. Just ordered a Consew DCS-S4 Skiver head only & will be making my own table top (have a set of K legs & 2 extra servo motors). Could someone tell me the dimensions of the machine's base/foot print so I can get an idea of the size of the table? I would like to get the top started. I have looked every where & no dimensions are listed. I will be using 2 - 3/4" pieces of plywood w/ formica covering. I am also a wood worker so cutting out the trash hole & belt slot will not be a problem. Cut outs will be done after the machine arrives. If anyone has made their own skiver table, suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Herb
  2. I know this post is a little old but here is what I did to my new Consew 206 RB-5 with the CSM 550 Servo. 1st changed motor pulley to 45 mm - still too fast. 2nd changed hand wheel to a 6", 1/2" bore die cast pulley - still too fast for my liking. I have a Consew 225 that I put a Sewpro 500 gr from Toledo on several years ago. I retired the 225 & replaced the CSM 550 on the 206 RB-5 with the Sewpro 500 gr (3:1 reduction geared), 45mm pulley & 6" pulley on the machine. What a difference! Slooooow & control & torque. The Sewpro bolted right up & a 44" 3L belt. Punched through 4 layers of dry 6 oz veg tan (7/16") at slow speed. Some day I will get the box reducer & a better servo. I really don't like the CSM 550 servo but maybe with the box reducer setup it will work better. The 6" die cast pulley has 3 spokes - not the safest. I have been searching for a solid 6" cast iron to no avail. Seams when you go this large they all have spokes & 1/2" bore is hard to find . Hope this helps but not every one has a spare Sewpro 500gr laying around.
  3. Realize this is an old thread, but wanted to let others know how I solved my tension release problem. Been sewing for years on my Consew 225 (bought used, great machine) without the tension release working - just pulled the thread at top to get the slack I needed. After seeing this post I discovered that my tension assembly/machine had all the parts but disc #3 that has the slot closed (gap closed in the stud) so the pin (#5) that is pushed by rod in the machine when the foot is raised will separate the discs. There are a total of 3 discs, 2 (#4) that tension the thread & the third (#3) to open them. What a dumb discovery on my part, thanks to all of you on this forum. All of you are the greatest, again thank you. Ordered a new assembly & will adjust it as described here. Herb
  4. Thanks Chain.  I spent hours searching for decent outline drawing & never saw the one you sent. There are several in that bunch I can use. I screen capture the image, size it & then copy to transparency film as a template.  Here in Central Texas, the armadillo is a very popular creature for painting & nature photos,  I can't remember seeing it on purses etc.  You have been a great help & look from where. I ran into a lot of you guys when I was in Viet Nam 69 & 70 - great soldiers.

    1. Chain


      Thanks Herbworff

      glad I could help


    2. Chain


      I will expalin how I did it to find the ouline drawing.

      We will look for skulls.

      1. Google Skulls

      2. Click on "images" (you should now have a heap of skull images)

      3. You should have a menu at the top like this  "All - Images  -  Shopping  -  Videos  -   News  -  More  -  Settings  -   Tools"

      4. Click on "Tools"

      5. A new menu will appear

      6. Click on "Type"

      7. Click on "Line Drawing"


      now you have a heap of skull outlines to pick from.

      Hope this helps in the future


  5. Looking for Armadillo tooling pattern I can copy on flap of saddle bag purse.
  6. 794 vs 794 Serv 1 Finally figured out. I searched every where for the differences in these two needle specs. Thanks to Campbell-Randall the question is solved (I hope). The needles are basically the same shank diameter & OAL(length). The Serv 1 has a shorter shank length allowing for a longer thread grove (Tippmann Boss sews up to 3/4" thickness). The difference is about 5 mm. Top of shank to thread hole is 60 mm. I can't imagine 3/4" of leather thickness. I find the standard 794 to work fine in my Boss & the 794 is easier to find with more point options. I hope the picture helps. Herb
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