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About krauter

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  • Birthday 10/07/1958

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  • Location
    Douglasville, Ga

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    bags, belts, billfolds
  • Interested in learning about
    sheridan style carving, Western floral
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    bumped into it

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  1. I'm not paying those prices that you you've been suggesting. Gonna start buying this stuff up to support my old age if that's going to be the case.
  2. Think this was a pattern set from the 1960's or 70's. Sorry, don't have one
  3. krauter

    Book Cover

    Like the book cover. Reminds me of some of that "Natur-Tand" work from the '70's. Burnished over dye work still looks great.
  4. Wasn't one of the best set of blades I bought in the 70's. they dinged up too easily. Still have a couple.
  5. I have veg tanned leather that is over 20 yrs. old. I just wet it down and tool it after letting it come back up to a natural looking case. Haven't had a problem with it. A bit of neat's-foot oil after tooling and prior to any dye, or antique seems to work well for me. I am still using old calf and goat lace from that era as well. Lexol on the lace seems to do as well.
  6. Might help if you lived next to a concrete plant or something of the like. I like the patterning effect. Have to try the laying it on the road and letting my grandaughter run over it with her tricycle.
  7. krauter

    Winter deer

    I hit the return before I could say that it is a great job.
  8. krauter

    Winter deer

    I seem to remember seeing a pattern like this back in the 70's. Was that from a DoodlePage?
  9. Used to use neat-lack as a resist all the time in antiquing applications. Two coats with an artist brush over opaques colors for "nature-tand" type belts and resist projects. Was the best thing out there for over 30 years. I'm sure that what killed it was all the VOC laws that have come along lately. I think I still have some left over from the 1990's. Just getting back into it again after a 20 year rest.
  10. You must have the patience of Job. Also, it's nice to have a surface plate. I have a nice piece of leveled tombstone I got from a monument maker. Works fine.
  11. Once upon a time, Tandy would do custom craftaids it you sent them a carving with the lines and beveling marks cut. Don't know how it was done back then. Maybe a letter or two to them would clear the problem up.
  12. Been doing the late night with Elvira, have we? Great Job!
  13. Best I can figure from the photo is that it's a type of screw-on anvil.
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