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  • Gender
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    Manitoba, Canada
  • Interests
    medieval horse tack, jousting, fantasy armour, sword scabbards, journal covers & electronics cases

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    carving techniques, dyes and finishes

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  1. Thank you, Lavendara - I actually didn't form this one, I just cased it for carving. Once the buckles are done up it sits pretty nicely but it still lies flat when undone. At least, it did when I sent it out - it's probably got some shape to it now if it's been worn a lot.
  2. I really like the chain mail at the bottom, thinking of doing something similar for a set of armour for myself. Did you make the chain mail in your own shop? Debating whether to make the rings myself or order them. As always, beautiful work.
  3. Haha yeah summer is short, gotta enjoy it while you can. My work has definitely taken a nosedive. I figure I've got all winter to sit in a cozy warm office!
  4. Hello fellow Manitoban! I have horses too but other than fixing up some things for my own use I'm not really going into tack with my leather projects.
  5. Hello fellow Winnipegger! (Well, technically I'm outside the city but not far!) Would love to see some pics of your work!
  6. Also Canadian. I'm from Manitoba though. What kind of stuff have you made/are you planning to make?
  7. I'd imagine quality control would be pretty rough with just a few moose hides to choose from too. My dad's just been bugging me about it and I thought I'd ask if anyone had tried something like that before.
  8. Sorry if this has been asked and answered before, I did a quick search and didn't come up with anything. Does anyone know if moose (or deer, though I'd imagine that would be on the thin side) can be made into carveable leather? My dad, brother, and several of my friends are hunters and so getting the hides would be as simple as asking them. I wouldn't necessarily be trying to save money with this venture, it would mostly just be for the ability to say 'locally sourced.' I suppose I could always look up some tanneries and ask them.
  9. I'm glad to hear that insurance will pay for most if not all of it! I keep thinking I should take pictures or video for insurance purposes and I keep forgetting. I think it just moved to the top of my to-do list!!!
  10. Nice! Really like all the decorative cuts in the feathers.
  11. That is gorgeous, and I'm sorry to hear it's your last project for a while. I'm still fairly new to carving myself so I'll let more experienced eyes do any critiquing, but in my opinion that looks great.
  12. Thanks Valleee - of course I'm totally curious who you are now...! Haha thank you Renee! I'm still trying to decide what to do for the belt. Since it's for me, it's taking a back seat to everything else I need to do so it might be a while but I think I'm going to do mostly thistles on the belt...? Or leave it fairly plain... decisions decisions.
  13. I borrowed it from a friend - I thought I still had it kicking around here but I guess I gave it back. I'll try and find out And thank you very much, RavenAus and immiketoo!
  14. I got the lacing out of a book - I'm not good at describing things but I'll try. Two strands, do one at a time. Go up two holes (not straight, not up one, up two), skipping none except the first two right at the beginning. When you come back to do the second strand repeat the same pattern of going up two holes skipping none (except the beginning), but weave under-over-under the existing strand, come back and tighten it all up after you're done both strands. Does that make any sense...?
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