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About MAC JD

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    All things Leather

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, Magazine Pouches, Handcuff Cases, Belts
  • Interested in learning about
    inproving my skills

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  1. A Facebook Group has started on this topic, the name of the group is "Tandy Craftaid Template Database" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1373586829381487/1374614772612026/?notif_t=like&notif_id=1489255564521288 I too am amazed that Tandy does not have a list. I have just started to catalog my craftaids, I'll post when I get finished. J-D
  2. Jarod, Can you post pictures and a video? J-D
  3. Put the printed pattern you already have on a copier and copy at 110%, 120%, 130% or the increased percentage you need to get the pattern the size you want. Also works great with carving patterns you bigger or smaller. J-D
  4. Jim, These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing. JD
  5. Nice drawing. Thanks again for sharing. JD
  6. spyrozzo, I miss the people and great friends I made when I lived in Napoli! The food and wine of southern Italy and Sicily are outstanding!! My wife's family is from a small village near Pisa. We are both hoping that we can go back to Italy next year. Maybe we can talk our way into a tour of a tannery near Vicensa and buy some leather!! JD
  7. Hello Spyrozzo, Welcome! If you have any questions, in Italian or English please do not hesitate to ask. James Ciao Spyrozzo, benvenuto! Se avete domande, in italiano o inglese non esitate a chiedere. James
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