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Everything posted by KCF2013

  1. Since I posted the finished pics t oour site and Social media,, we have several on order now
  2. here is the finished items on the bike
  3. And here is the final product. The Kora clasps work great.. First time using them.. Will use them again. The straps will go around the rails of the fender rack and attach to hold the lid closed. Front straps secure it to the fender rack to stop forward/backwards movement. Tool roll straps slip thru securing straps on the base to attach to the trunk. The whole unit can be easily removed and used as a small suitcase.
  4. Any leather used with OIl tanned leather will have some of the oils leach into it, i used oil tan teather on heel portions of my mocs and the deertan leather absorbed some of the oils, giving it a darker tone 1-2 cms all around the oiled leather, I didn't mind, kind of like the look.
  5. Thanks Mato I am sewing it up today hope to have it finished in a day or so, tool roll is almost completed. client wante d tool roll to be able to mount separatly or to the thrunk. I redesigned the trunk bag lid so it has a longer side panel that will be home to the clasps that thr securing straps woll attach to.. Should have it completed by the first of the week. Cheers Rick & Heather Kings County Forge
  6. This is what i moc'd up for this project. the inner gusset will have a small lip to it while the top lid will have a side sewn on to drap over the side by an inch or so., the ends will taper off to meet on the rounded corners,
  7. Hey Folks I have this project and would like some input. ' Client sent this picture of a trunk/ tool roll kit, it wil lstrap to a rack as seen in the pic. Yes small pic, I could not find a larger one. Question has anyone used the Kora Heavy Duty Bag Clasp the twist kind... how well do you like them? The main bag/trunk has a handle facing towards the rider, and the closure for the lid is also here... my main concern are the edges of the top lid and how to keep weather out, I am considering the gusset flaps like a tool roll but looking for other options... what would your guys suggest? Cheers Rick KingsCountyForge
  8. The owner has decided to try one of the Thunder caps, And it is a English Sheperd dog.
  9. I have some craft paper templates that I have used on our Chow Chow. with success.... will be making the move to leather prototype tomorrow once I get back to the shop.
  10. The client is quite sane, he an his family along with the dog are going thru training and the dog is also being medicated, The dog trainer actually suggested it, in a change it may limit or eliminate the use of medication for the dog. He is simply trying to find alternate methods to limit the visual stimulation of the dog. To make it a happiers expereince all the way around. IF I was in the same situation I would bne seeking out alternatives as well.
  11. Great Idea, the client wants to limit the amount of visual stimulation, so this might be the ticket... thanks for the suggesstion
  12. I suggested a muzzle type to the client, he insisted he didn't want any sort of muzzle on the dog.... might make a collar with a dog bone visor shape, see how taht works out.. craft paper time...
  13. Has anyone made a set of blinders for a dog.... like the horse ones only smaller (i guess). I have a client looking for a set for his extremely over anxious dog, I am not even sure where to start on this type of project.... make a collar and run the blinders off each side... wondering how to keep them from being an addition to the problem with the dog. Any suggestions/guidance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Rick KCF2013
  14. I used the tandy pattern for a reference and made my own pattern for a "bush hat" here is a pic of a couple finished hats and a pic of one that after I was almost done sewing the brim on..I realized I had the wrong size brim with the wrong crown.... lesson learned.
  15. KCF2013


    I think on the next ones i will go with the resin, I have access to plenty of pitch to make my own brewers mix but I believe for everyday use the resin would win out in the long run, and able to use hot beverages as well. Although I have had water sitting in one for going on day 3, no signs of weakness or leaks, with just baked in beeswax
  16. KCF2013

    Leather Rose

    Very nice work!
  17. KCF2013


    After scrolling thru the site and reading a couple of threads on tankards, well I had to go an make a couple The one on the left is dyed green wit has 5 plait mystery braid and the one on the left was left natural colour and a more standard handle. Both are made from 5oz leather and lined with beezwax. Amazing how strong you can get leather once it's been heated, I lost grip on the natural coloured mug and it went flying into my drill press at a high velocity and came out unscaved. Definately going to be playing around with the design, and decorative options.
  18. I belive it will still be allowed, from what I can understand from the links I provided in other psot, He has them maked as Scandanavian Elk, does that mean he imported them or has access to a Elk farm? Who knows... but it should still be admissable into Canada from what I have read... now keep in mind everything has a "discretion of the officer" at the customs crossing, years ago I had a motorcycle shop and brought in finished Leather goods form a USA supplier, most of the time , cleaerd customs with no issues or duties, the occosional time it was held for clearance, and I paid a $75 brokerage fee to verify, yup the packing slip shows just whats in the box.. I called Canada Customs and the officer said she could not see a problem bringing in tanned leather for cattle/wildlife as long as it was tanned and no hair. That it is admissable into Canada from the USA and from abroad, overseas orders should have a invoice certifying the country of origin and the type of animal the hid was from.
  19. Great thread, awesome bottles, will be making one this weekend I d obelieve...I wonder if using Canuba wax and bees wax mix would do? Both food safe and flex/tacky enough? I dunno me, anyone have thoughts on sealer?
  20. That is so awesome, great work , I love the handle, I collect to old tankards, this will definately be on my to do list.
  21. I run inkscape as well on all my Linux computers, I use this link http://www.microugly.com/inkscape-quickguide/ as my guide, I don't use the program enough to be a pro ..yet. hope this helps I have also use Paint program in the view menus select to view rulers and grid, also you can use the resize/skew option on the Home or edit menu depending on your version, and with the rulers/grid visible it wil lgive you a better idea on how much to resize. hope this helps Cheers Rick
  22. I have been eyeing the same seller on ebay, I contacted Canada Border Services with a couple of specific questions on importing hides- Tanned hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals. I recieved the following reply "" The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) provides resources on our Web site to assist Small and Medium-sized enterprises with importing goods to Canada. The resources listed on the CBSA Web site can assist you with the importing process to ensure that you are able to meet all of the requirements associated with importing goods into Canada. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/sme-pme/import-sme-pme-eng.html These resources include: A Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Checklist for Importing Commercial Goods Other Government Departments and Agencies: Reference List for Importers Customs Tariff Information Sessions and Seminars SME Toolkit Rates of duty vary according to the goods you are importing, the country where the goods were made, and the country from which you are importing them. Before you consult the CBSA Web site, please have the following information ready: a complete and accurate description of the goods, including the material or materials it is made from; how the article will be used in Canada, as its use may reduce or eliminate the duty; the country in which the article was manufactured; and the country from which the article was shipped/imported directly to Canada. Please also consult the Customs Tariff at the following link to inquire about a tariff classification, a statistical classification number (10 digits), or a tariff treatment, and the rates of duty: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/menu-eng.html Should you require additional assistance with your inquiry, we recommend that you contact the Border Information Service (BIS). You can access the BIS line free of charge throughout Canada by calling 1-800-461-9999. If you are calling from outside Canada, you can access the BIS line by calling either 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (long-distance charges will apply). If you call during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, except holidays), you can speak to a commercial officer by pressing “0” after you have made a selection of one of the 4 menu options. Thank you for contacting the Canada Border Services Agency." which led me to several hours on the website following this guide, to another link to a bit of info, to another link, to another, I came up with a category number for the import and unless you have your supplier work with you to ensure you have the paperwork in order it is then basically at the discretion of the Customs Officer to determine if they will hold your order for inspection and duties/fees "may" be charged, but if everything seems "OK" then no duty /tarrif will be charged on your items. Good News is... 04- Tanned or crust hides and skins of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals, without hair on, whether or not split, but not further prepared. Are allowed to be imported into Canada, use this number from the AIRS program for your paperwork "410400000000" this is your HS Code, a number representing the Harmonized System Code. So I will ahve to give this a try, and make sure I have enough wiggle room on the credid card, incase a duty/tarrif shows up. Iwil lpost results here once I get the order ready, along with any forms/info related to shipping it.
  23. I used 19mm(3/4") wood dowel for mine,cut to 155mm(6") Once I determined the size and final shape the case needed to be. My assembly went this way; cut 4 pcs of 5oz veg to size and also cut out my recess for the bottom Run the stitch groove Run the lacing chisel for my holes Tool any designs into them (Ileft this one plain) Stitch away with my Awl Wet and insert the 2 dowels and form After drying, trim away the extra along the stitch line and shape edges Paint and burnish the edges Dye, dry and buff, I used a beeswax/oil mix for a sealer/polish on mine
  24. I had a couple of Rabbit pelts from last year, that had a pretty good hide to them, the ones I have been getting lately have been dam near transparent and very poor quality, I am waiting on some Beaver belt from my cousin who is a trapper. I think a Moose/Buffalo 8 oz with a Beaver trim would be neat.or make a mid calf high mukluks, I am really enjoying making the mocs and hats,
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