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Beneath The Stars

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Everything posted by Beneath The Stars

  1. Hi Dude....youre a star....thankyou very much....could i ask a favour please?....would you be able to email me these pics?....i would then be able to print them out for myself at a better quality.....hard to explain but for some reason i cant ctrl/printscreen into adobe elements....just into my ancient jasc paintshop which will only save them at low res..... regards! s
  2. Hi everyone....been years since i last came on but wanted to say thanks to everyone for this thread....Jimi in particular for the 45k manual pics.... i now own about 120 singers but yesterday i took delivery of 'The Beast'....and straightaway came online looking for info and here i ended up.... thanks again....heres pic! regards! sonni https://www.facebook.com/Beneaththestars.leathercraft
  3. hi all....some of my latest work....hope you like! regards! BTS
  4. hi....been very quiet and busy recently but heres some of my latest bits....hope you like! phone cases compass cases zippo cases belt pouches cover for my Dave Budd spork various
  5. hiya...just finished this, very thick 5mm leather, hand-painted panels... hope you like! a
  6. hi...nice job m8, regards bts
  7. hi...thanks everyone....i just handpaint it with a small brush with a darker shade...i wouldnt recommend using a dark dye because one mistake and itll be noticeable....better to use a darker shade than the base colour and go over it a few times and build the darkness up. takes longer....in the case of the belts it takes a LOT longer lol....regards bts ps eglideride...go ahead, thanks!
  8. Hi...here are some of the items I've made this last week or so...hope you like! regards BTS martindale golok sheaths ka-bar usmc sheaths martindale golok sheaths belt/neck knife sheath commission belt/neck knife sheath commission a few belts... and something from last year....for bahco laplander saw...
  9. hiya....thanks for your comments everyone! regards bts
  10. hi everyone....just finished these today...crticism welcome! regards BTS
  11. hiya....i just finished this and thought i'd post it up....hope you like!
  12. hiya...been meaning to join the site for ages and yesterday i finally did so a big hello to everyone. i got into leatherwork about 3 years ago through my love of bushcraft....i decided to make a mask for my axe and it all went from there....i'm now a fulltime leathersmith and primarily make sheaths for bushcraft tools such as axes, saws and knives....i work with thick shoulder and thinner side mainly and use fiebings products....i find it a constant learning curve and love nothing better than adding a new template to my portfolio...so satisfying creating a new item and getting it right....aint leather lovely!!!!! i recently coded my own website in notepad if you care to take a look....its not amazon but it works lol! been 20 years since i last made one so i'll brush up on the more complex stuff again when my head stops feeling like jelly!! ta for now! sonni http://www.beneaththestars.net/
  13. hi....thanks everyone....i'll get some more pics of other stuff up soon.... the dye is fiebings dark brown diluted to about a quarter of its strength with water then polished up with fiebings medium brown antique finish and then the edges are handpainted with fiebings black edgekote. regards sonni
  14. hiya....yup i just posted them on bcuk.... http://www.bushcraft...ad.php?t=105272 if you like knives....i've hilted a few and am now learning 01 heat treatment.... http://www.beneathth.../myefforts.html ta for your compliment....its all a learning curve! regards sonni
  15. hi there!....i've been meaning to join the site for an age....so here goes with my first post, some sheaths i just finished today...these are for classic sized bushcraft knives and have firesteel holders and a dc3 whetstone pouch...4mm shoulder with fiebings products, artificial sinew....criticism always welcome! thanks for now!... sonni
  16. not enough hours in the day!

    1. TwinOaks


      sure there are...just give up sleeping. It's amazing how much more you can get done.'

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