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Everything posted by cst

  1. Thanks. I crimped it down with some old sheet metal break pliers (wide smooth jaws) but wasn't happy with the results. I will do the next with my vise.
  2. I was thinking about crimping it. I bought two, I guess I'll mash the first one down and if it doesn't work, try something else. Thanks
  3. Is it meant to be crimped in place on the exterior of the wallet?
  4. If I read their descriptions correctly, they offer both Hermann Oak and imported leathers in 2-3oz. The 2-3 oz HO I have got from them in the past had a soft temper. Buy a small piece of each and make your decision based on that.
  5. I agree. I like the gel version because I am a klutz and it is easier to be less sloppy with.
  6. The second to the last picture, is that a stamp? If so where did you get it?
  7. Far from perfect? Maybe, but it makes my first stuff look I made it in the woods with rocks and bones and ten thumbs!
  8. That second to last picture made me want to jump around.
  9. They look good, they might feel a bit nicer if you round the corners off.
  10. I was gonna say don't make your pictures so darn big! I like what I can see of the saddlebag and bandolier (belt?)
  11. That's good thinking on the eyelets. I had to figure that one out the hard way.
  12. That is pretty cool! Looks like its the right size. I always make bags too big and then hate to carry them cause I always fill them up. How deep is the water you normally fish in? Has it got drain holes?
  13. cst

    My Bracelet

    I should've checked for more replies before I responded. I'll have to go read that. Thanks
  14. cst

    My Bracelet

    From what I can tell, it looks like a trenza de doce. Which I think translates to 12 strand braid. I did not find a tutorial I could understand, however it seems like a two over one under one over round braid that goes rectangulated automagically. I made a bracelet earlier today using 1/8th" pro lace from tandy and I didn't do something right, it seems too spongy. I might try this again around a core. On the other hand I've never braided anything before, so more than likely I just need to work at it some more.
  15. cst

    My Bracelet

    Never mind. 142 web pages later, I found it. I think.
  16. cst

    My Bracelet

    What do you call that type of braid? I've been asked to do something like that but don't know what to search for when looking for instructions. Thanks.
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