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Everything posted by bwillielv

  1. I use a number of different things on the helmet shields. I think we all know nothing is really going to stand up to the intense heat we face, but what I have found to work is.... Regular leather dyes if you can find the color you want, these work the best. When you cant find the color you are looking for, I use acrylic paint with a tad bit of water mixed in. If I am going to do any larger area's of color with paint, I use Angelus paint to avoid cracking. Also, I really recommend Springfield Leather. They are very helpful and have quick shipping. If you guys have any questions feel free to inbox me.
  2. Wow! How long does it take you to make something like that?
  3. Very nice.
  4. Very nice. You are way farther along then I was one month in. I like your stitching pony. Did you make that?
  5. This is a shield I am currently working on for one of my co-workers. It still needs to be stitched and finished off but the general idea is there. For those who don't know, I make leather shields for the front of fire helmets. That's what this is. Brian
  6. bwillielv

    Marlins Basball

    Very cool. I want to try that sometime.
  7. Hey Buck, What ounce leather are you using to make your shields? I don't use the brass backers on my shields. With the thickness of leather I use, they aren't needed.
  8. Thanks, I would really appreciate that.
  9. Hey Brian, look forward to seeing some of those pics. From another Brian in Kansas
  10. What I think he is wanting is something like this.
  11. Thanks Renee. Now that you mention it I think I might have seen this on SLC website. Ill call them tomorrow.
  12. Man I really like it! I haven't done much wet forming but what I have done hasn't come out anything like that.
  13. So my father in law wants a coin pouch for Christmas. The problem is he wants one of the ones where you squeeze it at the bottom and the top opens. I have no clue how to make such a thing. Does anyone know of a tutorial or have pics of such a device?
  14. Oh man, I hear ya. I way overbooked myself and was starting to cuss leather work. I sent out my last Christmas order on Thursday. What a relief that was. Now I am making some leather items as Christmas presents. These are things I have been wanting to try for awhile. Leather working is fun again and life is good!
  15. Man that is some really nice work. I love the black holster!
  16. I just did this on a pair of fire suspenders. Looks like I overloaded the resoline. Oh well, live and learn.
  17. That is simply amazing! How much time do you think you have in the tooling?
  18. Thanks to you both. Studio-N I sent you a pm
  19. I am looking for a place that can cut my template, preferably laser cut, from a paper version I have. I am getting tired of using my paper templates and need something a little more sturdy. Just thought I would check here and see if anyone on the forums does it or knows someone. Also, the pattern for my shield is aprox 6 1/2 inches tall and 5 inches wide. I am currently cutting my pattern out with a little band saw thing but would like to find someone who could make a punch of sorts where I could just punch out my pattern. Anyone know of someone who does this? Thanks Brian
  20. Wow that is a lot of detail. Great job!
  21. Very cool! Is it open on the bottom?
  22. Wow thats nice! How long did the tooling take on that?
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