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  • Location
    Los Angeles CA
  • Interests
    making mens clothing

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  1. nice, where did you get the money clip thingy.
  2. great video on dying, thanks for that post.
  3. ya im learning alot, i cant even sleep from my excitement, this machine is awesome, wiz, had you not said anything about the servo motor with rotary speed limiter id be lost, ive turned the speed down so i actually can sew, before with the hydraulic motor it was basically un-usable for me since i have never used a sewing machine in my life. thanks. same to you eric, i love this machine, you truly are a professional, your input on this site is straight to the point and filling, hopefully ill be turning out some quality products soon.
  4. post some pics of the results?
  5. ok ended up buying the juki dln-5410-6, looking forward to getting to know some of you guys on here. Now the hard work begins.
  6. ok went to a spot and found a juki 415-5 with a juki servo motor for 650$ delivered to my house, is that a good deal/machine?-- i also found a juki dln 5410-6 used with a servo motor for 800$ delivered?
  7. thanks eric, im gonna keep my eye out for those. -clark
  8. any specific models you recommend? thanks again wiz
  9. thanks for the response wiz, i live in la and there is hundreds of used sewing machine dealers within walking distance of my house, are there any specific machines that you know of that i should keep my eye out for. also im a little confused, are needle feeders a type of walking foot, from what i read you recommend a triple action walking foot machine, i looked for your national 300 and had no luck.-Clark
  10. ive been reading alot on the forum this past week but still have a lot of questions. first off im new to sewing and ive never sewn anything before, i want to make mens clothing. i bought a singer cg-590 and im pretty sure its not what i need, if i want to just do lamb skin leather i need a needle feed machine and not a walking foot right? all I'm planning on doing is making some lamb skin mens vest, with a thin lining. what is my best option, i want something that will get me a good start to sewing. thanks ahead
  11. great info, im in los angeles as well and looking to sew lamb skin garments.
  12. great work, any reason why you didnt just make it yourself?
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