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Everything posted by thefanninator

  1. Looks great Danne!
  2. Hi Ed, Do you have a strap cutting machine? I make it up to the Metroplex on occasion, I would happily pay for the service if you have a machine.
  3. Hi. I'm looking for a business or individual who can cut 2 Wickett & Craig English bridle backs into belt straps. I don't trust my manual strap cutter to to do this quickly or accurately. Preferably in the Austin area. Thanks.
  4. Yeah... I don't know why people keep bringing this post back up... mods can delete it as far as I'm concerned.
  5. I didn't suggest Mop & Glow, wizard of tragacanth mentioned that some use it. I've never used it.
  6. Bruce Johnson - https://brucejohnsonleather.com Knip Knives - http://www.knipknives.com/leather.php - Long wait Barry King tools - http://www.barrykingtools.com Ron's Tools - https://ronstools.com District Leather Supply - https://districtleathersupply.com Rocky Mountain Leather Supply - https://www.rmleathersupply.com
  7. I'm not really interested in trades... I guess it depends on what you've got... A few things I'm interested in: Knipschield knives KS Blade punch watch strap punch Amy Roke clamp
  8. I'd suggest Tan Kote by Fiebing's. Others use Resolene. https://www.springfieldleather.com/Finish-Tan-Kote-4oz
  9. Looks like you stamped while the leather was too wet. Let it dry until it's about back to it's natural color. In a few places you used too much pressure when burnishing especially the bottom. Did you use a finish?
  10. Yes, they're still available. Price is the same as my last post, includes shipping in the US.
  11. What would you do different?
  12. I've seen a backpack made from Pueblo, it looked awesome. I've made wallets with Minerva Box (also Badalassi Carlo) and it's one of my favorites. It'd be fine for totes, just figure out what weight you want.
  13. Nice work!
  14. AA Crack has some nice leathers. I've used the Minerva Box and Pueblo from the Badalassi Carlo tannery for wallets. But being from Texas I buy mine from Rocky Mountain Leather Supply. For wallet interiors/pockets I've been getting my leather split to 0.5 mm and folding it for a fully lined pocket. Here's a wallet using Navy Minerva Box split to 1.0mm for the exterior.
  15. These are still available. I don't use them. I'd like to get $185 for the set, includes shipping to the US.
  16. Thanks. It's a cool gusset. It's basically a rectangle with legs. Then fold the legs across toward each other, glue and stitch. There's an old post on here by Hunio who goes by Huns now. Study the pictures and you can figure it out. Its also in Ellen Valentine's new book Leatherwork School. .
  17. I recently finished up this mini hand bag, approximately 8 x 5 inches. It's made from D'Annonay 'Vocalou' French calfskin from Maverick Leather. The interior is Bordeaux French goat from RMLS. It's got Brio reinforcement by Luigi Carnevali, also from RMLS. It's hand stitched with Amy Roke linen thread. I used 2.7mm (about 10 per inch) Kevin Lee pricking irons. Edges were creased then painted with black Fenice edge paint. The closure flap has a magnet from Buckleguy.
  18. No, I still have them.
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