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Posts posted by Halitech

  1. I need some help from my fellow leather workers. I have a customer that wants a reversible belt. Should be easy to do right? not from what my searches are telling me. They want a 1.5" belt and the largest reversible buckle I can find is 1.35". They do not want it tapered and they do want both sides tooled. They also want it as thick as I can make it which is easier because I do have some saddle skirting I can use.


    Here's my 2 part question: 1. Does anyone have a source for larger reversible buckles like the big names use or

    2. Can I do it the same as normal for the buckle and use a normal buckle that can be taken off (using snaps) and reversed. The back side would obviously have 2.5" of the opposite color (black on 1 side, timber brown on the other) and use a 6-7oz "liner"? that would meet up with the folded over part


    Any other ideas would be welcome

  2. 2 hours ago, StephanieR said:


    Thank you for the info. I guess it's time for me to find a suitable liner. I would think I should find a material that isn't breathable so the photos aren't coming into contact with the leather at all. Now I am questioning the wedding album manufacturer that I use considering that they offer a variety of leather albums.

    The photo albums would have plastic pages to hold the photos which would prevent the photos from contacting the leather. Plus, it's probably lined as well

    2 hours ago, StephanieR said:

    Am I correct in thinking that most colored leather will be chrome tan leather? I would like to stamp clients names or initials into the leather but I was under the impression that I would need veg tanned leather for that. Is that not the case?

    95%+ leather that is colored, is chrome tanned. Only veg tanned leather will take the water needed to stamp names, etc. You can do a gold foil stamp or heat stamp  but you would be needing a new stamp for each customer and they aren't cheap

  3. looks good and I'm sure she will love it. Few items to watch for though
    1. a large amount of the letters show the square around them so you either pressed too hard or leather was too wet when stamping
    2. on the border at the top right and bottom left, you have 4 on the bottom and 5 at the top. Minor thing but noticable.
    3. top left edge, you can see where you got very close to the edge and it has become distorted

    Overall, really nice job and you should be proud of it. It took me almost 3 years before I would even try sheridan style so you are ahead of me in that way

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