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Posts posted by Halitech

  1. The round punches, I've used so much they are almost a required tool for me now, don't delay too long

    Check with Studio-N on getting your stamp made, he's a member here and is cheap on making custom stamps.

    Business cards, check out vistaprint. I get all mine done there and they are cheap and relatively fast

    the wife's purse, well, I don't have one of them any more so up to you where you want to put her as a priority lol

  2. then do yourself a favour and go to SLC and pick up these 3 punches





    $21.00 plus shipping for all 3 and they are well worth it. They aren't as pretty or polished as some tools but, they are sharp and will save you a ton of headaches when trying to get your corners rounded

  3. 5 hours ago, HENDREFORGAN said:

    That is a point of view towards hand stitching with two needles I took myself for over 25 years . . until my age meant my thumbs could no longer act as "G clamps".  So I began to use sewing machines to take over and, today, I'll put work I've done on my Durkopp Adler 205-370 against examples of my hand saddle stitching and I'll be very happy with the result.  You know sewing machines use TWO threads too?

    Thank you for that profound statement and educating me that sewing machines use 2 threads, I would never have guessed that despite having a sewing machine of my own. I'm glad that you are happy with your machine stitch compared to your saddle stitching, however, that  doesn't change the fact that you cut a thread on a sewing machine lock stitch, and it is going to unravel where the saddle stitch will not.

  4. chances are, you won't be changing the color, at least not to the color you want. usually most commercially available products use chrome tanned leather which is dyed at the time or tanning and then finished to prevent color change. you could try the deglazer in a small area that is not noticeable and then dye it but I'd be surprised if it works

  5. Check the info here


    I use this but instead of just placing the knife beside the line, I actually place the edge right on the line then roll the blade over to 1 side, like the suggest when making a gun holster.


    Another option, instead of having it all encased like a knife blade, make a cup to hold the bottom and use a strap to hold it in place at the top

  6. 11 minutes ago, mayorblurps said:

    I think it looks neat and different but I prefer saddle stitching anyway. It's clean, strong as heck and just plain works. Now if I can figure out to use 2 color threads at once I'll be getting somewhere.  Thank you for the info!! 

    easy, take 2 pieces of thread, tie them together, get the knot in the middle of your leather, start stitching. splicing and finishing off, good luck :D


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