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Posts posted by Halitech

  1. I've been using snoseal for a while and have just started using fieblings aussie conditioner for when I want a more natural look. The resolene, super shene, etc will make things look more plastic like. When I do use them, I give a coat of neats foot oil or carnueba cream first and let it dry before finishing.

  2. Did you burnish your edge yet or just sand it? Just sanding will not give you a smooth edge, you need to burnish it as well


    Actually, if you look at the lower left corner in your example, you can see where it pulls up a bit where the stitching is. Also, it looks like they probably did machine stitching or used a very thin thread compared to your heavier thread.

  3. the stitch line is going to be off regardless because the outside arc is larger then the inside arc. The inside will always be smaller. marking the outside will be easier because you can lay it flat but you may want to put a bit more space between the holes on the arc itself

  4. for 3oz leather, I wouldn't worry about making a stitch gauge, it's too thin and soft

    your holes are not the same distance apart and you are pulling tight

    3oz is fine for a gusset, just don't pull so tight

    I usually go the thickness of the leather I'm sewing for my stitch line so if your leather is 3mm, make your stitch line 3mm from the edge.

  5. the only thing I will suggest is that you buy a compressor with a tank and a replaceable water filter. The tankless ones will not give you the constant pressure you will want for spraying and if you are using non-water based dyes and finishes, you won't want moisture in the air line

  6. Haven't tried it but my local tandy had some last time I was in. I'm happy with Maine Thread Co's thread which I can get 70yards for under $10.00 compared to 100 yards for 45.00(CDN) for the carriage thread. Even with shipping to Canada, Maine thread is cheaper and has more options, both in size and color

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