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Everything posted by RichLee

  1. This is the first wallet that I have completed. For this I just used what came in the Tandy kit that I bought. I used the floral design that was recommended and the raisin mahogany stain in the kit. Issues: The first issue I had was during the carving. It took me much longer than I know it should have because it was the first time I had used a few of my tools. However, through some trial and error I did learn how to erase some of my mistakes using some of the tools; that was nice. Another problem was the guts for the wallet were too big so the holes didn't line up exactly. I had to make some new holes and trim the edges down. Overall, I had fun with it!
  2. I like colors that you used here. I looks well made. Good job.
  3. Great job! The wolf looks great and I love the amount of detail you were able to get in there.
  4. i really like the way you were able to bring out alot of demension in your carving. its beautiful. great job.
  5. these are pretty figgin awesome. i dont have a motorcycle but if i did i would order one. nice job.
  6. so, do you just lay down the sticky part of the tape on the back then?
  7. It's looks simple and good. Not sure if the tab that folds over to close it is even...? Looks like one side is cut more diagonal that the other. I like everything else though
  8. Just saw that this post was from jan but I'd like in as well please. Thanks.
  9. Looks real good, brother. I wouldn't wearing something like that on my hip. Great job!
  10. lol.nice. did you just use the swivel knife or what...?
  11. Thanks for the tip, Tree Reaper. I will try that.
  12. Hi, all. I am super new to working leather. I started watching videos on youtube last week and got a starter kit this weekend. I am that new! Anyway, I cemented my peice of leather to a peice of cardboard like all the videos and instructions said so that it would not warp. However, after removing the leather from the cardboard some of the cardboard has stayed stuck to the leather. Is there a trick to getting all the cardboard off without damaging the leather? Thanks. -Rich
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