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  1. he is real, he is current, CALL HIM. One of the guys I took a class from said Robert gets swamped with emails and he takes a while to get to it. Even his website says to call me and talk to me personally. (505) 632-7039
  2. Try the Springfield micro compact .45 1911. It should be the same. I think the ultra carry has a 3" barrel as well. http://www.alternateforce.net/bluegun-springfield.html
  3. You dont need a stiffener if you line the holster. I never make unlined holsters. You can see from the pictures how I did this one. It is a personal holster of mine. ( Sorry about the glare, the sun was coming in the window and both washing out parts of the picture while also creating shadows in other places) I should mention this holster was based on a Slickbald customs pattern.
  4. I love it. I like design and I like the sentiment. Very nice.
  5. I agree, they are probably going to be too far out.
  6. I guess its your overly condescending attitude that everyone else but you is wrong. Typical internet shit.
  7. I realize you spend alot of time on the internet, but maybe in your travels you never noticed some peoples websites allow you to order online. If you dont have a list, how can they know what to put in the cart? My website unfortunately doesnt offer me the ability to put every kind of gun on the drop down list when you put something in the cart. So they have to pick the style of holster, cant, other features, etc, (or other item not necessarily holsters) then they have to type in the kind of gun they want it made for. I guess I could not have a list, they could pay and then I could inform them that I dont have access to an FP-45 Liberator from 1942. I could then waste more time refunding their money, while they are now disappointed that they wasted time making the order. More time in the real world, less time online might do us all good.
  8. Unless you have access to every gun ever made, the list is necessary. Also, I do many holsters with gun, laser, light combinations, that gets even worse. Blue guns are only made for a fraction of total firearm models. Other mold makers, make even less selection. There are plenty of guns you cant get a mold for. plenty. I have close to 200 molds and I still dont have everything I need. Probably 10 or so handgun mounted lights and lasers too. By the time you think you got it handeld somebody requests a holster for a gun that nobody else owns. Nobody else makes a holster for it either, so they finally have gotten around to you after going through every other holster maker they know about. edit... My waiting list is usually 3 weeks. I often ship in 4 or 5 days. I dont have ready made items. Well maybe very rarely. Show me a craftsman who doesnt have a waiting list and I will show you a craftsman without enough business. Everyone wants to get their order immediately (me too) but if you can get your custom items from me in less than 3 weeks, that should show you I dont have enough business or I would be 6 months out too.
  9. I like to see that you are building your holsters so the user can get a FULL "combat" grip without grapping a handful of leather. I see many experienced makers who havent figured that out yet. good job.
  10. http://robertbeardtools.scalabledata.com/ Makes a really good tri weave stamp. Actually all of his stamps are head and shoulders above most makers. His triweave has prongs(tits) for easy alightment. It makes the process much easier.
  11. Here is what I did. I decided I wanted the pattern to be 3/4" total (height). 1 1/2" belt, my stitch line is usually at 3/16" in. I measured in to where I needed to be for the pattern. I then decide 4 1/8" would be the perfect legth of the arc. I tried several different round items I had laying on the bench turns out a small kitchen plate made the perfect arc. Then I just ran the arc, over and over until it was done. Very easy and it will be really easy next time since I wont have to wonder how to do it.
  12. Thank you for that. I appreciate it.
  13. https://www.triplek.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/271.jpg clearly I can figure it out, I was just hoping someone had a trick or advice on how to lay it out.. The stitching isnt hard I have a Cobra Class 4, and it makes belts nice. This belt will be 1/4" thick with a nylon liner (the guy is a heavy guy this will keep it from stretching)
  14. I make lots of belts, however nobody has ever wanted a lazy stiched belt. Is there a formula that makes laying it out easy? Or does someone have a pattern they could send me that I could print out and duplicate. Thank you.
  15. I know you already have plenty of suggestions but... I would have just lined that top portion of the tote above the cut out or including just under the cut out. You could set the 3 snaps in the liner and then glue and stitch it to the rest. Nothing would show from the outside and would be cheap and easy to do.
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