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Posts posted by rktaylor

  1. Thanks for the compliments. The conchos are not burnished. I try to cut the as clean as possible. 

    Ron, I always appreciate your critique of my work. I've picked up a lot of tips from you. I'll see if I can find a binding edger at the show. The wife would be disappointed if I didn't buy anything. BTW there's some really nice saddles here.


  2. Thanks for the comments and encouragement. I'll post pictures in the gallery when it's complete.

    Oltoot, Can you share a picture of your breast collar dee? I know you don't like domed rivets, but I feel like trading some durability for appearance is acceptable. Maybe if I was fixing them, I would change my mind.


  3. Bob,

    Thanks for commenting. I've read your burnishing tip in other posts and think about it all the time when I'm working. I just need to follow it a little more.

    I've thought about dying the edges, but haven't attempted it on a saddle yet. I need to do it on some smaller projects first.


  4. Ryan,

    Good catch. I did miss that area. The bevel marks are exaggerated because the leather was too wet. Normally I would go back over them, but I was in a hurry. In the past I have drawn really nice patterns that I felt were difficult to tool. By just practicing on this and the comments here, I found a few things that needed changing.

    The presser foot marks are primarily due to wet leather, but I have since reduced the pressure. I'm about as low as I can go now. 

    I'll post pictures of the finished piece here and the saddle in the saddle gallery section. 

    Thanks for the comments.


  5. Thanks for the comments. I'm too close to the stitch love on the bottom, but have plenty of room on the top. The jockeys will cover a lot of this, but I didn't like the empty space above the cutout. I don't know why.

    I copied the empty acorn from another pattern, but haven't really warmed up to it. I'll probably replace it with a full acorn.

    Thanks again for the comments and suggestions. I'll post the final product when it's tooled.


  6. Ron,

    Thanks for the compliments. I bought a 3/4 hp bench grinder and my dad made a burnishing wheel. We still need to do a little fine tuning, but so far it is working alright. I am hoping this helps with some of the edges, but the horn will still be by hand. I have two new trees and leather should show up this week. I working hard to turn a hobby into a job. :)


  7. RFI=Room for Improvement

    In looking at the saddles I have built, there are few areas where I feel like there is a consistent need for improvement. One of them is the seat fit around the hand hold. I don't seem to be getting the seat to fit as tight as I want in this area. These are from #3 and #5. I feel like I am getting it tight when I fit the seat, but it's too loose after it dries. Any tips are appreciated.



    phone 622.jpg

  8. JD and Ron,

    Thanks for the compliments. Howard Council was a renowned (his saddles are coveted around here) saddle maker from Lawton, OK. I am not sure what is different about his tree, but from what I have learned Sonny was making them for him. My friend, who I built this for, is a saddle junkie and he called Sonny to order the tree. I looked at some of Mr. Council's saddles and tried to follow his pattern.

    I struggled with the rope strap because of the swells. I worked with the customer to place it where he wanted. I agree on the front rosettes. I need to clean up the front jockey area on my saddles. It seems that there are too many after thoughts. I thought most of my edges were pretty good until I started taking pictures. I rubbed that horn a lot, but never got it slick enough. I'll look at the DVD. The cantle binding is certainly an area that I would like to improve. If only it means gaining some confidence.

    Thanks for the tooling and stitching compliments. This was my last hand sewn saddle (bought a Cobra 4). I like hand sewing, but the time was killing me.

    I appreciate the comments. I am working on 6 and 7 in hope of finishing them for the Wichita Falls contest and they will serve me well.


  9. I have used veg tan to line breast collars, but that was mainly because that's all I had. They are holding up fine, but I doubt they will hold up like harness leather. More recently I have been using 5-7 oz latigo to back 13 oz HO. I really like that thickness for roping gear. 

    I have been using 3-4 oz veg tan to line headstalls made with 7-8 oz veg tan. That's because I don't have latigo that light and I don't want them too thick. I preshape the outer pieces before gluing the liner. That keeps them from wrinkling too much.

    I look forward to seeing the final product.


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