I thought of that with the swing clasps but just couldnt figure out how to do it without adding a bit of a strap to them on the front to give them enough wiggle room to fit over the under clasp, coming in, if any of that makes sense. It would be awkward fitting the nobbly part under? There might be some simple way i'm completely missing but my brain just can't figure out the logistics of making that work lol without adding a bit of strap to them so they can flip over the nobbly bit.
I'd been after those ring studs for ages! But couldnt get them anywhere, so got them sent from thailand on ebay. Have to say i'm not amused, i screwed them as tight as poss but one of them keeps loosening and because the back is embeded inside the spinal arrangement its hard to re-tighten fully tight. So its gonna work out a royal pain in the ass