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Everything posted by Toolerlass

  1. Hi Bob, I think i've just copied one of your designs to practice carving for the first time as i loved the look of it so at the very least i should get your book :-) but do your post to the UK?
  2. That looks great :-) i'm in the middle of doing my first one too (the exact same one as yours, copied from someones pic on this website to practise) i'm in two minds whether to stain mine when its done
  3. Superb work! I've been wondering the same thing as you since i started a few months ago which has put my off carving. I ended up making lesser tooled things because of the disappointment it caused when adding dye. All i've found useful is oiling and adding colour to the border instead but i'd also love to be able to stain 'and' keep the shadows somehow
  4. Good idea! I have some cheap crappy punches that were already dull upon arrival and too blunt to be useful, they should work fine :-)
  5. Thanks winterbear :-) i'll check it out. Thanks again
  6. Is there a stamping tool available that stamps 5-6mm circles? For the centre of flowers? I'm busy looking round the house for something that fits the bill but was wondering if there's an actual stamp that does it? Like a large seeder
  7. Broken neck from practising tooling

    1. Dwight


      Roll up a wash cloth so it is about 2 inches tall and maybe 2 1/2 inches in diameter, secure it with masking tape.

      Put it under your chin, lean your head forward, relax your neck muscles. With a little practice, you can then hold that position for hours.

      I have to do it for reading as I have a neck condition that is very painful without it, it has worked for years. Takes a little practice to get it right, but it works.

      May God bless,


    2. Toolerlass
    3. Toolerlass


      Sylvia: i have no idea what that means. How does my mouth affect the back of my neck from leaning forward?

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Yep thats the one! excellent thanks :-)
  9. Can anyone help? I'm looking for a tool thats a thinner longer version of a pear shader but dunno what its called to look for it online. For doing flowers and leaves, all i have is one fat pear shader and its too big for what i need
  10. Neighbours home for the last week, got withdrawal symptoms, need to hammer

    1. tkirwan


      i hear ya..my neighbors bitch up a storm when i tool, yet the play fight with their dogs all night...

    2. Toolerlass


      I've never willed people to 'go the hell out' as much as right now lol. They can probably feel the annoyed vibes piercing their walls :-)

  11. Thanks for the info on the arbour press Bigfoot. Do they need altering to make them accept hammering tools? I couldnt face starting again buying special tools for it. Looks great though!
  12. Thanks so much for the lovely replies. I'll add some pics tonight though i'm not sure of the correct place to put them whether its the gallery or critique section. Its a bit embarrassing adding beginners pics when the stuff on here is outstanding lol.
  13. Hiya, i'm not far from scotland :-) thats something i haven't tried yet! I was first using the tray with beanbag thing to begin with but found i couldn't get a decent 'whack' on it like when hitting on a table. I love using the granite slab but haven't tried the two together. Thanks! I'll give it a try :-)
  14. Hi Paul, I've just joined too and live on your doorstep! Okay not literally that would just be creepy :-)
  15. Hi silverback, can we swap? I spent a few months travelling australia top to bottom when i was younger and have missed the place ever since :-(
  16. I can only hammer when the buildings empty. Buying a granite slab helped a bit but its still really noisy. I'm going for a poundo board next. I try to do the quiet bits like drawing, cutting and sewing when neighbours are home and then punching or tooling when theyre all out. Its a pain in the arse but i'd hate to live below someone hammering constantly :-)
  17. Its so expensive starting out yet i can't stop myself :-) i made a wallet... Dunno why i have a feeling it'll be constantly empty :-)
  18. Hi Everyone, I got into leather 3 months ago (i have no idea how it happened) and became immediately addicted. I've been arty and made things for as long as I can remember but nothing has caused instant addiction like leatherworking has! I've made a few cuffs, pouches, a bag, wallet, corset belts, holster, and had a few goes at tooling. Trying to learn a new skill with each thing i make. Its been a drawn out process so far as each project has been delayed while aquiring whichever tool was necessary to finish :-) after learning whatever the tool was called. I started out with zero knowledge and made things by guesswork but now i'm trying to learn correctly. Absolutely love it! Dont think my neighbours do though! :-/
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