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Everything posted by Regis

  1. Welcome Peter. Glad to have you here participating
  2. QUOTE: "it loosens, tangles, and hangs inside the bobbin holder when sewing. Once, I've stripped enough (roughly half) it runs perfect. " Steve at Artisan recognized the problem immediately. It was a missing spring where the bobbin seats. I never knew it was there and "I" probably lost it without knowing/seeing sometime while changing the bobbin. He sent me the spring under waranty even though I'm the guilty one. Fixed and works perfect! I've had the Torro 3000 and could not be more pleased with the machine AND service. Thanks guys, Regis
  3. QUOTE: "It will be kind of dark greyish brownish...Let it dry.. Then apply oil...It will turn the prettiest shade of black...black as the ace of spades and you can't rub the black out on your fingers." What do you use for oil? Neatsfoot or ???
  4. This morning I'm off to local (30 min drive) pistol range. It just ain't like it used to be now with fancy range, lanes and variety of target shapes. With I was growing up and much of my life, I spent in rural areas. I could walk a hundred yards or so and star hunting or just plinking. Now, living a little deeper in town I go to a "fancied up" range. In stead of setting up an acorn or a pine cone, I "buy" targets with drawings of anything I'd like to imagine shooting. In stead of leaning my rifle against a tree and taking pistol from my crumpled holster, I take a cart with boxes of guns, ammo and ear protection. Oh my,,,just another way that life has changed,,,at least in most of the east. If you still go out your door or just down the road to do some plinking,,,,, enjoy (and of course train & build memories for any youngsters). Have a great day. Regis
  5. Nice job. I like it. When did you burnish the stiffener edge, before or after sewing onto the holster?
  6. Jordan, What kind or brand of clear acrylic do you use? Thanks
  7. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday esteemed master Clay Happy birthday to you! ........And many mooooooorrrre.
  8. Thanks for the tips. I've worked over and over the design. I've decided to add a snap just forward of the 2 belt loops. The clip will snap on there and have a belt loop of its own. I think he'll not want to keep the clip snapped to the holster but, it will be where he wants it.
  9. Not exactly. With it IWB, it will be fairly straight up and the clip would go just in front of the action. I may have to try to make one for myself just to experiment.
  10. Just got a call from a guy that ordered a IWB holster and clip. He actually wants the clip attached to holster and both IWB. I probably should have refused it but, the only reason I could tell him was that it would not be comfortable. Anyone have experience with this (good or bad)? Thanks, Regis
  11. Very nice. Did you put any finish on it?
  12. What is best way to apply Neatlac? Spray, daub, rub in, etc? Any difference in reccomendations for use over spirit or eco dyes? Thanks, Regis
  13. Thanks for showing how you layout your design. Off track a little but, how do you like the Bersa? I'm trying to decide between the Bersa and CZ 380's. Looking for something smaller than my Browing High Power. Regis
  14. Unless you are pretty familiar with larger sewing machines, give Steve a call just BEFORE you sew,,,,,actually just before you thread it. 5 minutes on phone with machine in front of you are invaluable. Regis
  15. Dave, Steve walked me right through this and is sending me new spring. I never saw the spring and it is possible that I lost it. But, with such first class service, Steve is sending new one to me n/c. I feel I need to plug Steve as I've called several times over the last 10-11 months and he always helps and never embarrasses me reguardless how naive my question. I really appreciate that as my sewing knowledge is weak. He also gave me great explaination why to use 346/277 and 277/207 and 207/207 but, I won't try to re-explain. Thanks once again. Regis
  16. Ed, I've used 346/346 on 2 X 7/8 and 2 x 8/9 and 2 x 7/8 plus 4/5 I have other thread (207 & 277) but, just haven't used it much on the bigger machine. Yes thread ccw off bobbin (as viewed from outside end of bobbin) Regis
  17. 346 sews great on my 3000 if the bobbin is less than half full. With 346, that is not very much. I was filling bobbins with drill but, tried filling one again on the machine itself. Got a nice even fill better than by hand with drill. BUT, it loosens, tangles, and hangs inside the bobbin holder when sewing. Once, I've stripped enough (roughly half) it runs perfect. What am I doing wrong?? Regis
  18. Luke, Boom, I searched thread, size, 207, 277, 346 one at a time in holsters and sewing but did not find anything until finally I searched for "thread size". Then I found where this had been discussed before. Yours seems to match the conclusion in the other posts. Thanks as I may never have gotten the search right. Thanks, Regis
  19. What thread size is everyone using on your holsters. I have been using 346 and them bobbins sure empty quick. Is there a difference on IWB, OWB, Western, etc? I know I can drop down 1 size for bobbin but, it is prett convenient to sew from either side, top or bottom (as long as the stitch is adjusted equal). Is 207 too light? Wear & safety is my primary interest. Appreciate any discussion/input. Regis
  20. Welcome John and look forward to seeing some of your work. this is great place to learn & grow.
  21. Ed, You might try a helicoil thread insert before drilling larger to tap. Regis
  22. Simple Green and cleanser got it off my counter top.....If table is wood, I'd leave off the cleanser and just rub longer. Please don't ask how I know
  23. You need to ask seller on this because the photo could be "REVERSED".
  24. Regis

    Hi All

    Chris, Welcome to leatherworker.net. There are several members here from European countries and at least one from Spain that can probably help you with tool sources. I would think that regular postal mail would be a lot less than UPS. I don't know what that brokerage fee is and if it just applies to UPS. Or, perhaps the cost would be nearly the same if a few hundred dollars in tools were in package. Lots of great folk here and I'm sure you'll get better answers.
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