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About blue62

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  1. The single loop holster is a crossdraw, the design works out better with only one loop.
  2. There are only 4 loops because they are for spare cartridges, otherwise a belt full of loops looks pretty cool, but it gets mighty heavy when they are full.
  3. blue62

    cross draw

    I would just make him a crossdraw, in the amount of time it takes to modify and make it look decent you can build a better looking one from scratch.
  4. Cowboy action rig with shotshell belt and bullet slide. HO leather, copper hardware and conchos
  5. Frodo, one of the things I do to get parallel to the edge stitch lines is to use a groover, even when machine sewing, it gives you a path to follow so you dont have to rely on a edge guide.
  6. Yes its still avalible
  7. Thank you, that is what i wanted to know.
  8. Can anyone tell me if the table attachment is easily installed and removed on tbe class 26 cobra and similar machines?
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