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Everything posted by LouraLeather

  1. I make this video on YouTube explaining how to make one of my Leather Key Fobs, I have the plans available for purchase on etsy, for a small ammount, just to help me out make new video in the future. Check it out if you're interested; Leather Key Fob Tutorial Video Plans and Template available for purchase: Leather Key Fob Tutorial and Template
  2. It looks great, I'm going to try to make a few of those, I was just wondering, how do you attach the money clip? Is it just attached by stitching it? I'm asking this because I don't want just to stitch it and then have it loose and maybe "falling" out of the wallet. Thanks
  3. Hey guys, this is just another video of me making one of my wallets, this time a Leather Card Sleeve. The video is a much shorter one, not a tutorial per se, more of an entertainment video for those who like to watch, hope you guys like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB_br0q1cG8&t=7s
  4. Hey guys, I've shot a real simple video of me making just a standart Key Fob, really easy for a first time project, except for the stitching part, obviously. I hope you guys can enjoy it, I haven't posted here in a while so I thought this would be a good time to do that! Also, the Key Fob that I made in the video is up for a GIVEAWAY, all you have to do is go to my Facebook or Instagram page (links below), like or follow, and comment on the Key Fob picture with the hashtag #iwantthekeyfob, next sunday I'll pick a random winner and that's it! I've made really basic step by step pdf instructions with the template, anyone can have it for free, jus make sure you support my social media and ask me for it, I'll gladily sent it to you Link to the YouTube tutorial: www.facebook.com/louraleather www.instagram.com/louraleather Email: louraleather@gmail.com
  5. Hey guys, I've shot a real simple video of me making just a standart Key Fob, really easy for a first time project, except for the stitching part, obviously. I hope you guys can enjoy it, I haven't posted here in a while so I thought this would be a good time to do that! Also, the Key Fob that I made in the video is up for a GIVEAWAY, all you have to do is go to my Facebook or Instagram page (links below), like or follow, and comment on the Key Fob picture with the hashtag #iwantthekeyfob, next sunday I'll pick a random winner and that's it! I've made really basic step by step pdf instructions with the template, anyone can have it for free, jus make sure you support my social media and ask me for it, I'll gladily sent it to you Link to the YouTube tutorial: www.facebook.com/louraleather www.instagram.com/louraleather Email: louraleather@gmail.com
  6. I'm on a tight schedule, it's for this weekend and I'm from Portugal, white doe skin is not very accessible around these parts unfortunately! But thanks anyway!
  7. Hey guys, Recently I've had a request from a friend to make him a dog collar and a leash for his wedding,for his dog to bring them the wedding rings :D I couldn't find white leather yet, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips to paint natural veg tanned leather white, whith like an acrylic paint, a spray, and then apply some lacker to avoid smudging and cracking. I'd aprreciate any tips!! Thank you, Lourenço
  8. Hey there, I haven't posted in a while here but I thought I'd upload some pictures I took this year for my small leatherworking business, I hope you like them! I used an old Canon A1, I really love the quality of the photos. Cheers, Lourenço www.facebook.com/louraleather www.instagram.com/louraleather Some more.
  9. Hey Cheryl, I wasn't actually planning on tooling it as it's definitely not one of my fortes, I was picturing something like a mouse pad, only the size of a placemat, I would Imagine that it would have to be the same materials and finishes that they use on coasters, I'm just not sure what they are! Thanks for your help anyways! Cheers, Lourenço
  10. Hey guys, I've been asked to make a couple of table placemats for a friend, sorta like a coaster but for plates, cutlery etc and I'm having a few doubts, what products would you recommend I apply on the leather so that if it gets wet it doesn't leave a stain, or, if that isn't possible, what kind of leather would be most suitable for this purpose? Also, about the thickness, I'm guessing it should be pretty thick, so that it doesn't warp with time, should I buy some really heavy leather, say like 9 to 10 oz, or could I get away with sewing a couple of 4 to 5 oz pieces together? Thank you very much! Cheers Lourenço
  11. Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed my city, and Porto s definitely one thing you should try when you visit, delicious! Chers, Lourenço
  12. Hey there, my name's Lourenço and I have been posting here a few of my things from time to time for about a year now ,but I took new pics of some of my stuff, passport holders, wallets, card sleeves, belts, moleskine covers, etc, and I would like to share with you and know what you think about them. These were taken in my hometown of Porto, which, if you've never heard, you should definitely visit because it's beautiful http://www.europeanbestdestinations.com/top/europe-best-destinations-2014/ ,and the rest were taken in what is called the oldest village in Portugal, Ponte de Lima (Bridge of the Lima, wich is a river there) where I own a property, for some wine produtcion, orange trees, apple trees, etc, it's quite nice and peacefull. I have Instagram; @louraleather , if you want to check it out and maybe follow, it would be a pleasure! Anyway, hope you enjoy! Cheers, Lourenço
  13. I thought about that, but then in the stitched portion of the wallet I can't do the same or it'll show fabric between layers of leather, that's my main concern. I'm thinking about folding the fabric where there's only one layer of leather and then gluing the rest with a bit of shorter fabric so that it doesn't show between layers and I can burnish it and finish the edge, I don't know how well that'll work but I think I'll give it a go!
  14. Hey guys, I'm trying to make something like this, I've made a few wallets like these but without the lining, I really want to try and line the ones I'm making but I have a couple of issues that I don't know how to handle. I would like to know if there's a way that I can hide the fabric where the leather meets, so that I can burnish it and give it a cleaner look, rather than having the fabric exposed in between the leather, and I would also like to hear your suggestions about the edge of the wallet where there's only 1 layer of leather, in regards to the fabric, do I just glue it and the trim it flush and hope that it won't fray over time or should I fold the fabric, glue it to the leather and then stich it? I'm looking forward to read your suggestions and techniques If you're willing to share Cheers, Lourenço
  15. Hey guys, I've been painting my edges with the same Fiebings Pro Oil Dyes that I use for my projects and was curious about the difference between the Pro Oil Dyes and Edge Kote, I've never used Edge Kote so I have no experience with it! Thanks for the help. Cheers, Lourenço
  16. I burnished first with water and then with gum trag, I'll have to go get some beeswax and have a go at it, thanks! Cheers
  17. I did, but maybe I didn't sand it enough, I'll try it again on a piece of scrap! Cheers
  18. Hey guys, I've been making a few passport and card holders and for my last one I decided to line it with some Tandy Premium Mission Grain Pigskin Lining Leather, I glued it to the main piece and then trimmed the excess, I assembled and stitched everything and then burnished the edges, I usually get a smooth and clean edge but this time, with the lining, it looks like it's cracked, as you can see from the pictures I've attached. I'm not that familiar with pigskin, I'm guessing this particular piece is not of the greatest quality and that may be the reason why I can't burnish it very well, I'm from Portugal and before I bought this piece from Tandy I bought a piece from a local shop, it was really cheap but seeing as I had never bought pigskin before, I thought I was getting a deal (I'll attach a couple of photos later), when I got home I took a good look at it and it was kind of flimsy and had a greyish color to it, I also tried dying it just to see the results and it didn't turn up very nice, I wanted to know your opinions and if it's just the quality of the pigskin or if I should be using another technique! Thank you very much, Lourenço
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