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  1. Thx for the info. I figured the emboss had to be fairly thick to get that kind of depth
  2. Amazing. Just out of curiosity. What weight leather did you use.
  3. I have a customer that wants a period correct knife sheath. All my research says that the most common material used was 1.5 to 2 mm (4 to 5 oz) calf skin. I have not been able to find a source for calf skin that heavy. Does anyone know where I might be able to find this? Thanks Gamli
  4. gamli


    Mind blowing
  5. While that setter may work, you would be better off with one thats the proper size. You could use a couple of scrap pieces of leather to test that setter before deciding to buy one. If it does not work, Tandy sells one that will
  6. Thanks, Ill check them out.
  7. Yes those are the type. I am restoring a placard belt and the rivets I'm trying to replace are round head brass. I was trying to find replacement rivets without haveing to make them.
  8. That would probably help soak it a bit deeper into the leather. Post some pics of your results good or bad.
  9. Haven't tried that. But if your worried take a large piece of scrap leather, tool or stamp a random design and give it a try before you try it on a project.
  10. Does anyone know of a source for 1/16 dia burr rivets. All of my searches have come up empty.
  11. Nice work. How did you attach the gold leaf?
  12. I use a mixture of 50% neatsfoot oil, 25% beeswax, and 25% tallow (by volume) Make a paste a little softer than shoe polish. Just rub it in with a soft cloth.
  13. Beautiful work
  14. Never thought of that. Ill have to check the out. Thanks
  15. Thanks. Its a large center bag with four pouchlets. The bag is mafe from onebpiece of leather.
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