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Everything posted by susiek

  1. Maybe has 6 hours of use, purchased in 2020 Skives light and medium leather up to 8oz Up to 2" skiving width Adjustable skiving width Integrated blade sharpener Space saving table - only 33.5" wide Includes assembled table and adjustable speed servo motor The Techsew SK-4 Leather Skiver is precision designed for edge skiving and whole surface skiving of leather for wallets, leather bags, shoes, boots, chaps, straps and more. It is used to skive and thin out the edges of leather to create clean and consistent ends. Features: Precision designed for simple and smooth operation Built in blade sharpener Adjustable skiving width Adjustable skiving speed Space saving table - only 33.5" wide Equipped with power stand and variable speed 550W Servo motor 1200 RPM Rotating Speed Skives light to medium leather up to 8oz Up to 2" skiving width 1000.00 Location is in Northern Illinois
  2. I came across this in a box of stuff, it is FANTASTIC for saddle stitching - but I have no idea what it is called, it has a for lack of a better word, sheath over the needle, that slides up and locks the thread in place. The sheath does not fall off at the end either. Its great and a time saver, has anyone ever seen one of these and/or know what its called. My dad did leatherwork for years, he's gone, don't know if this is something he came up with... or if it is actually available.. to much time spent searching had to reset my password here, so here it is.
  3. I have a customer that I have done some custom work for in Scottsdale, items that he added to his motorcycle - he would like his motorcycle seat laced with a teal - he doesn't want to send the seat so I am looking for someone down there for him - he was going to attempt it himself, and I explained the braiding isn't as easy as it looks and he would be best to get someone that has done it so it would look awesome
  4. Well Hello after a few months - we finally have the broken part almost all the way machined.. but someone has miss placed the needle bar? Does anyone have a needlebar for this machine ?
  5. He was pretty confident he could, we shall see next week. He said he couldn't mass produce them but one or two could be done
  6. It is the casting inside the head - I've turned it over to a friend who is going to machine one Would be interested to know though if you had any Shoepatcher
  7. Well, it was running I believe this to be a model 17-1-1 but not 100% Certain - something inside the head broke, and I don't even know what it is called to look at see if any old machine parts are floating around the world. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. I ended up getting the 328 needles and they worked wonderfully, but I ran into a snag with a broken part in the needle bar shaft... I could get it to stitch up to almost 1/4 inch Not even sure what it is called
  9. SO very cool!!! I have what I believe is a 17 series.. love it, but finding the needles that work best is tough I have needles on order from Bob.. 190D Schmetz so far works the best, I have used Groz 190LR.. but they break more .. any suggestions?
  10. I would be interested in this project as well, I can do the embroidery in house please feel free to contact me - my embroidery work is online at www.leathers4u.com as well -
  11. Looking for seasoned leatherworker in the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin Area - few days a week or on a per project basis. Very flexible, projects/hourly is normally around 20.00 per hour. For belts, wallets, setting snaps, rivets, the basics. Contact me if your in the area sales@leathers4u.com Thank you
  12. Very clean and easy to navigate - for SEO purposes, you should name your images if you can - instead of uploading just the img file - name it a keyword rich name - many people search image searches these days. It works well, and I am guilty of not doing it myself
  13. Been a member for a while now, so much information here it is awesome! I wanted to say hello and introduce myself - I own a retail store that has swung now more towards custom pieces and items. The wealth of knowledge here is incredible and so many wonderful projects! I wish everyone had the appreciation for the handcrafted! Thanks to all -a few months back, we scoured the site here having problems with one of our sewing machines and eventually found an answer!
  14. Exactly what DuaneS Said - wonderful work - thanks for sharing
  15. You need a tooling hide - veg tanned hide, most jackets are not that
  16. Would be interested in finding out more about your projects that are needed - you can contact me at sales@leathers4u.com
  17. We have made several masks - if you'd like to contact us with your sketches we will take a look - sales@leathers4u.com
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