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    Leather and Canvas Motorcycle bags and punk accessories

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  1. Rebecca you rock! Thanks so much.
  2. Hi all - I'm looking for a source for rivet backed spikes that either peen out or have an actual rivet post. In other words, something other the screw back that is commonly seen. I've been using thread lock to secure the screw back ones for a while but it's an additional step and in my eyes has a little less of a professional look. Similar to: https://www.springfieldleather.com/Spike-Screwback-Np-1-2-100pk - but no screw back. Thanks!
  3. I've bought from Toledo sew. They have bonded polyester in different colors and weights: https://www.tolindsewmach.com/thread.html
  4. I don't think that tinkercad would be the best software for this due to its limitation. You could try http://3dp.rocks/lithophane/ which lets you import an image and overlay it on different shapes. It's pretty primitive but could work.
  5. First of all, sorry for the potentially sacrilegious thread! I make a lot of embellished snap bracelets and there's a demand for a non-leather alternative. I'm using 5/6 oz leather and want a non-leather/vegan alternative synthetic substitute. I'm die cutting these out and embellishing them with different shapes/sizes of round spots. I also emboss a small logo between the male snap parts but would be willing to skip that step, if need be. Thanks all!
  6. Thanks for the feedback - super helpful. I'll be using mostly round spots from Standard Rivet but some of them are the more pointy shaped cone studs that have more height to them. I guess I'll just have to do some experimenting. One other thing I noticed is that it's a little tricky to get the spots right next to each other (like almost touching). I would like to be able to apply them in a honeycomb type pattern. In your experience, is this possible with an automatic setter and do you have any tips for getting them to sit close to each other?
  7. Awesome, thanks so much for all the advice everyone! I'm going to pass on this one and save up some more for the CB-3200 or something else if it comes along.
  8. I can also chip in here. My day job is for a company that makes a popular 3D printer and so I have access to all of the various materials they use. I 3D print embossing stamps for my products and then use my 4 ton clicker to impress it into leather. The sharpness is very good but not quite as good a hot stamper. For just a few dollars worth of material, you can create a nice custom stamp. As for longevity, I have some of these stamps that I've never had to replace. Others that have thin line details will eventually break but as somebody else here said, you can just print another one.
  9. So I have the opportunity to purchase an automatic spot setter from this guy I was put in touch with. He's liquidating his factory that's been out of business for about a decade. The machine is made by Stimpson who as far as I can tell no longer makes these spot setting machines. It is currently set up for 2-pronged spots with 3/8" gap between the prongs. He's offered to sell it for $1,000 which seems like a lot to me. It's foot operated with a hopper and a track that feeds the spots into the setter. He has a bag of round spots to go with it but I would be sourcing silver ones from Standard Rivet. I had never seen machines that automatically feed the next piece of hardware in and don't want to miss the opportunity. My questions are: 1. Is this too much for the machine? 2. How compatible would it be with other 3/8 spots. If I have a spot that has a slightly differently shaped dome, will it still set them? 3. I tried to find other tracks for it as well as other die sets but haven't had any luck. Does anybody still makes these or does anybody here know of a source of used parts?
  10. I currently make tool rolls, fork bags and occasionally saddlebags for motrocylces and am hoping to get another sewing machine that is more suited for these types of items. I've been using a Consew 206RB-5 for leather and canvas and also have a Singer 13-15 for canvas only. The Consew 206 is a great machine, but doesn't work well for going around curves of a fork bag when using ~9oz leather and the way I end up having to position the material while sewing ends up leaving marks from the walking foot on the leather. I'm thinking I need a cylinder arm machine to handle these types of curves better. I was also recently put in touch with this guy who is liquidating his factory that's been out of commission for a decade or so. He had 80 employees at one point and the factory is full of equipment. The machine he has been trying to sell me is an Adler 69-572 currently set up with a binder attachment. He wants $1300 for it. I wasn't able to find a ton of information about this machine but, as far as I can tell, it's best used for a #92 thread although can also handle a #137. When I looked at it I noticed the small bobbin so am thinking that maybe this isn't going to be the best machine for me. I'll usually run #137 on the Consew 206 but ideally would like a machine that could use a #207 or maybe higher. My questions are: 1. Is $1300 a good price for the Adler? 2. Could somebody confirm that this is not going to be a good machine for me? 3. What recommendations do you have? The Cowboy CB-3200 looks like a good option, especially set up with a guide so I could get nice stitch spacing. I don't have a way of trying one out and am a also a little partial to buying used or old machines... Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the input everyone and for doing some searching for me. That Seiko looks great, it's about 2 hours from me so I'll have to wait until next weekend to go take a look. Looks like a side load bobbin, right? This may be a stupid question since I'm somewhat new to the world of sewing machines (I've used my 31-15 for years now but haven't really looked at other machines until recently), but if the two machines are branded differently but are the `same' machine, are they literally the SAME machine? The 206RB seems popular enough that I imagine servicing/getting parts for it should be fairly easy so the same should go for the Seiko, right? Thanks again, super helpful.
  12. Been a member for a while but mostly as an observer. I'm looking for an upgrade to my Singer 31-15. I currently use it mostly for sewing canvas and waxed canvas although sometimes use it to make leather motorcycle seat covers.The machine works great but I want a walking foot machine that's going to be able to get over some bits of thicker seems as well going through leather as well. I'll mostly be using it for waxed canvas travel gear that has leather parts and straps (think a waxed canvas bag with a leather bottom). It would also be nice to have a machine that could handle stitching through 2 layers of 8-10oz leather for making other accessory type stuff. So, what are the limitations of these two machines? What others might you recommend for this type of work? There's a 111w152 near me on craigslist for $400 (http://boston.craigslist.org/nos/hsh/5952767170.html) which seems quite reasonable. The 206RB-5 seems like a popular model so it would be really helpful to hear from anybody with experience with this machine and what you used it for. I would probably buy it new (~$1,400) and am open to suggestions for other machines that are less than or equal to that amount. Thanks!
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