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Posts posted by rcsaddles

  1. The local saddle maker/shoe repair guy had one of the Weaver splitters and he is ready to send it back. He has talked to Weaver about it and they don't seem to understand what is wrong with it and he can't explain it. I have encouraged him to take it to Sheridan to let Vernon look it over and adjust it but he is a little or a lot bull headed about it.

    I'm not trying to give Weaver a bad rep or anthing, just what I am seeing here. The new splitters that Marvin makes do not have motors. They are hand crank so will take up less room. The older ones he put the motors on.

  2. I was just looking at the Ferdco.com swap board and there is one of these splitters for sale. Looks exactly like mine. Just an FYI to those who may be interested.


    Marvin's splitter sounds ideal. I gave Marvin a call and left a message. If possible, would you be able to post a picture of your splitter?


  3. Very nice, Holly.

    I want to thank you for sending me the pattern a few months ago. I started making the roses two weeks ago and they are a good money maker. Easy to make and since I have a splitter, I am using up a lot of scrap.

    I will have to adjust the pattern and make some smaller ones.

  4. Come on, Kevin. You are a salesman and better than most. However, we know that what you have the most of and need to move is what everyone needs. I'm guessing that you have had these little plastic things for a few years and now you need to get rid of them. We know your kind. I've heard you made your first million selling freezers to Eskimos.

    Now the disclaimer. I have never talked to Kevin but love his ad in the LCSJ. Anyone that can put up with the dog and bird as well as the wife and kids he has has got to be a great guy. This post is ment to be funny and not to hurt anyone in any way. I firmly believe Kevin would only try to help us however he can. My thought is, if we can't have fun, why are we here.

    Kevin, I sent you a PM about some leather.

  5. Very nice, Clair.

    Being raise on a ranch, I was looking at the conformation on the cow and calf. Looks like she would work in most herds. It is very difficult for me to get the contour and shading right on somthing like that. It shows in your work that you really enjoy the carving.

  6. I am looking for someone to recover a couple of seats in a "show pickup". I don't have all the details yet but I will be getting the leather unless someone knows of a supplier for black and red leather that is similar to the leather used for the King Ranch edition Ford pickups.

    The seats actually came out of a Honda Civic if the guy told me right. I've never done seats so I am looking for someone to do them for me. There might be a Chevy emblem stitched into the back of them but not sure yet.

    Anyone interested, please PM me, e-mail me or post here. Of course we need to see some pictures, please.

    Looking to have this project done by August so not a great big hurry. I will be trying to find a supplier for leather over the next two days.



    Rugged Cross Saddlery

  7. I have been asked to do some leather work on the interior of classic Chevy pickup a guy takes to car shows. He wants it done with similar leather to the King Ranch pickups. Anyone have any idea about the leather they use for those. He says it is more like saddle leather than upholstry leather.

    This sounds like a big project that will take a month or better. I am thinking if I know what to get maybe I can get some of the leather while in Sheridan.

    Any advise on suppliers, weight of leather or run like the wind away from this is appreciated.



  8. Yesterday I was talking with my 11 year old son and he said he wanted to go to Sheridan and take the Beginner Leather Class on Saturday morning. I was so happy I will stop for lunch wherever he wants.

    We live about 3 1/2 hours form Sheridan so we will leave about 5AM. I will be wearing a Rugged Cross Saddlery cap. Anyone that sees me, I would appreciate a hello. I hope to remember a stack of business cards.

    I will be looking for logos or caps while there. I will only be there on Saturday.

  9. Very nice. If you don't keep trying you never improve. I have been wanting to get a rawhide hatband done I just have other projects on the front burner.

    How long was the tace you started with for the band? Which buttons did you use other than the pineapple?

    Keep up the good work.


  10. I have been using olive oil on leather for the past five years. Now with Keith and Bob both endorsing it, I will be more vocal about it to customers.

    Many times I have talked to other leatherworkers and they seem to say, "Keep the olive oil for the salad. Neatsfoot is the only oil to use on leather." To each his own. I think a lot of people either tend to over oil or not use any.

    That is why I am on here. Every day is an education.


  11. Hey Josh,

    Funny thing about that mule hide. I had it for a couple of years and had not used it so I sold it to you. Within a couple of weeks, I had a guy show up with a project for me and guess what I needed for it? Yep, mule hide. I happened to have a piece that worked but it taught me to get rid of the extra stuff so more work comes in.

    Thanks and I would like to see a pic of the apron you made from it when you get a chance.

    Take care and God Bless.


  12. I mark the leather for the stitch holes. I usually put the stitch line right above the jaws. When you use the awl to make your holes, you will notice it will push the leather and stretch it on the off side. I usually hold my beeswax on that side and punch into it. That eliminates one step in the process.

    Again, do what seems to work for you. You may need to try a few different ways until you find the best for you.


  13. I know that copper rivets will turn green under certain circumstances but can anyone tell me what those circumstances are and how to clean them and the leather?

    A friend has a knife sheath with small copper rivets and they all have some green around them. He was asking how to clean it and what to do to avoid it in the future.



  14. Johanna,

    I happen to be a Driver's License Examiner in Montana. I would recommend contacting your Department of Motor Vehicles office and ask what the process is to find out about his license. If you get someone nice like me, it is not a bad experience. Ask for a supervisor to ask them questions. With name and date of birth I can check anyone in the nation for driving status. Just because the reinstatement fee was paid does not mean he has a good license. They may have said he has to retest. Here you have to wait until the department clears it from the system. Then you also have to pay the fee for the license also. Driving is a privilege not a right.

    Hope all of this helps.


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