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Everything posted by rcsaddles

  1. I don't have time now but will answer some of this tomorrow. Don't want you to think no one is listening.
  2. Check out Ron Edwards' books at www.ramsskullpress.com There are two books just on turk's heads and others that will have turk's heads as well as other knots. These books are well written and the drawings of how to make the knots is, in my opinion, the best in the business. I give his books at my braiding workshops.
  3. I have had Clay Miller copy stamps for me. He is very reasonable on cost and time. He would be my recommendation.
  4. I think it will depend on if you line the belts or not. I do not do a lot of belts but know a few people who do and they always line the belt for a more professional look. The stretch thing probably won't be a big deal with a belt just to hold up your pants. As far as using double shoulders as opposed to a side of leather, might have to do with cost of material and profit margin. Just my thoughts.
  5. Brian, Anytime you want to chat about rawhide is fine with me. I do have a paying job so evenings work the best. I know you are in WA state so you are an hour behind us. Some evening we will have to get on the phone and talk. I am going to be braiding some reins and romel this summer so I'll be doing a fair bit of rawhide work. Let me knwowhen you want to chat and I'll pm you with my phone number and the best time and day to call. I think when this is all said and done, we will have taught each other something. Had a great time there. You should make it a point to get there. I see you are in Idaho. I have an aunt and uncle in Idaho Falls we come visit once in a while. How far from there?
  6. Braiding workshops in Sheridan went great. The best workshops I have done out of nine. The students were willing to ask questions and help each other along the way. Had great fun and I think everyone enjoyed the time and learned a lot. Also did some personal training and all three people wanted to work on a pineapple knot and I happen to know that one so that went well also. Had a young lady from Italy in one class. She is an excellent carver and caught on to the braiding easily. I'm thinking next year of doing an intermediate class next year. Not sure what to do so I am open to suggestions. Maybe a dog leash so something similar. As a side note, I was challenged to do a braided rawhide item for the World Leather Debut. Already figured out what I want to do so I will be practicing this summer.
  7. I do agree with you Brian. Everyone has something to teach and something to learn. I have been thinking about an e-book on braiding tips that you can't find in any of the braiding books. Probably should start writing them down so I remember what they are.
  8. Would be great to have both of you there. Brian, I'm not sure I could teach you anything but would enjoy having the help.
  9. First saddle I made was for a friend of mine. He has never kept a saddle more than three years until that one. He has had it since 2004. I go hunting with him in the mountains in Montana. I have only ridden the saddle once. I actually shortened the bars and raised the cantle on the tree. He rides mules and says it fits every mule and horse he has ever tried it on. Wish all of them turned out like that.
  10. Now that the new Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal is out and the Rocky Mountain Trade Show is a little more than a week away, I thought I would mention I am teaching Fundamentals of Braiding there. Just bare bones basic braiding but should be fun as well as informative. Anyone interested in taking a class can contact me here or email at rcsaddles@yahoo.com
  11. I would just testfor color change myself, also. I think the problem is in using the vegetable shortening. Most plaiting soap is made from tallow. The shortening, when it gets cool and solidifies after application is probably what turns white. I use Ray Holes Saddle Butter or RM Williams Saddle Dressing as plaiting soap on most of my leather projects. Make my own for rawhide. Try some product like these on the next one and see if you like it better.
  12. I did understand that the leather did not change color. I just put in that whatever product you use, if using a light color leather you might want to check and make sure the leather will not be darkened by the product you use.
  13. The white color might be from using the shortening rather than tallow. That and an excess of product on your strings while braiding. You can also use white saddle soap, or most any paste type leather conditioner for plaiting soap. Just try it on a piece prior to use to make sure it won't change the color.
  14. Great for you to have a friend that will give you such a good deal. Sometimes we have a friend like that and when we do, we need to make sure to return those favors. I personally do not believe in luck. You were blessed with this friend.
  15. The bars should also be shorter than a quarterhorse tree.
  16. this one is sold
  17. I have heard one experienced braider, (17 years experience) say that he draws a line down the item he is braiding to help hime keep his work straight. Like for the nose buton on a bosal.
  18. Your work looks great as usual Brian. Thanks for the info on the clasps. I am thinking I should start making some things like this. Less time than reins and belts. Thanks for sharing with us.
  19. Very nice!
  20. Check with www.leathercordusa.com
  21. email sent.
  22. I use this machine for repairing tarp and canvas, as well as light weight leather and chaps. It will actually stitch up to 1/2 inch thick leather. I put a new Servo motor on it a couple of years ago but it probably does not have even 10 hours on it. There is nothing wrong with the machine I just need to upgrade to something with a longer arm for doing the canvas work. I use mostly 138 thread on it. The table has adjustable legs so the height is adjustable. The machine is located in Lewistown, Montana. I can deliver to Sheridan, Wyoming at the Leather Show in May. I am asking $1000 but will entertain any reasonable offer. The best way to contact me is by email at rcsaddles@yahoo.com Thanks for looking.
  23. Would you be interested in an Adler 067 with a very new Servo motor? I use it for tarp and canvas and it will also stitch up to 1/2 inch think leather. I wouldn't use it that way all the time but it will handle it.
  24. I have an Adler 069 flatbed machine I am looking to sell. I use it for tarp and canvas work as well as leather. In fact, I stitched a full 1/2 inch thick leather with it just to see how much it would do. I put a new Servo motor on it a couple of years ago but probably have not used it 15 hours since then. I really don't use it a lot. If interested you can email me at rcsaddles@yahoo.com or pm me here.
  25. Looks great, as usual. Thanks for sharing.
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